Ch 6 - old lands, old memories

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Scar and Taurtis continued to walk through the remains of Evo, talking. The entire place was ruined, barely a single distinguishable block. Taurtis kept trying to point out locations, and share stories. 

'And that was Pumpkin tunnel. Grian named it that.' Taurtis pointed at a slightly larger mound as they passed it. 'He got grumpy when someone stole the pumpkin on it, apparently. I hadn't joined yet at that point, it was right at the start. 

The two kept going, Taurtis flexing his new wings. He hadn't got used to them, and clearly hated them. Scar didn't question further. 

'I can grow wings too. They're quite small, and don't really work.' The former-mayor explained. Taurtis looked over.


'Yeah... haven't tried in ages. Our admin wasn't happy with me and Cub using the magic.' 

'More vex stuff?' Taurtis guessed. Scar nodded, and quickly formed a pair of vex wings. They grew bigger than he expected, and he looked at them. 

'Maybe I could try and fly with them... I was never very good with an elytra.'

'An elytra?'

'You don't have elytra?!'

Taurtis sighed. 

'We missed most of the new updates. In fact, we worked through all the different versions from Beta.'

'Wow...' Scar looked impressed. He looked over at Taurtis before trying to fly. The wings weren't very cooperative, and he fell face-first into the dust. He tried again, got a bit of ascension, before falling back to the ground. Taurtis watched his efforts, easily flying. 

'All you need to do is believe, and flap them a lot. The smaller the wings, the more you need to flap. 

Scar attempted this method, and got into the air. It still took a lot of energy. 

'Let's just walk.' He decided. Taurtis landed again, and the two continued walking. They went a long way, before Taurtis stopped suddenly next to a huge pit.

'Grian's base,' He explained simply. 'Destroyed, like everywhere else.' 

Scar looked sadly at the remains, the ash of what was once a brilliant build. 

'He made an alter so I could join,' Taurtis reminisced, walking over to a broken cobblestone thing. A single flower had survived, and Scar picked it gently up. 

'Was this... was this his?' He showed Taurtis the red plant. A petal fell feebly off. 

'Th... the last plant left in this whole world.' He whispered painfully. 'And it too is dead.' Taurtis took the flower, and it crumbled away to nothing. Scar looked down at the dust. 

'Why did they do this? Why did they destroy this place?' He asked, not expecting a reply. Taurtis sighed. 

'Spite, hate... I don't know much about watchers. Grian knew the most about them. They go for smaller worlds, big enough to be useful but small enough to be utterly defenceless. They were with us since the beginning, 'helping' us. I have no idea how Grian survived. Watchers don't take prisoners.'

Scar looked scared. 

'Do you... do you think they'd attack Hermitcraft?'

'How big is it? How many people?'

'There used to be 24 of us, but when I was tricked into leaving, 6 were left alive. Our admin was gone, we were pretty much dead anyway...'

'Who was your admin?'

'Xisuma, Xisumavoid,'

'Xisuma was your admin?! No wonder you weren't attacked! He's unstoppable when it comes to protecting what he loves. And powerful... He's the most famous admin like, EVER.'

'I never knew...'

'He kept his past well hidden, though. If he doesn't want you to know something, you're not knowing it.'

'Who was your admin?'

'Grian. He was the first to be 'taken'. I took over... but they were way too strong. The rest is all around us.'

'When did this happen?'

'No clue. But it must've been ages ago.'

Goodtimewithscar: hey, is anyone there?

No one replied, and Scar sighed. 

'No one's there. Let's set up a camp.'

'Good idea. I'm tired of moving around' Taurtis agreed, sitting down on the edge of Grian's former base. 

Sorry about the shorter chapter... ran out of ideas and couldn't be bothered to think of them. 

Forgotten (sequel of Cursed) - Hermitcraft fanfic REWRITE ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now