Ch 8 - United

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 Xisumavoid:  on my way to rescue you!

Tango: hey, we need help. Can we meet up in our base? It should be quite obvious where it is

Cubfan135: what's been going on? Xisuma's been getting hysterical

Tango: we can explain when you get there.

Tango closed the chat and sighed, slouching against the wall of the base. Even Zedaph was less happy than normal, but cheered up instantly when Cleo asked if she could mind-control him again. Oh, yeah, it turned out Cleo could mind read. And he could create fire. 

Tango looked out in the direction he thought the group were. Mind-controlled Zedaph tottered madly around the island, that now had the start of a large building on. The first floor had been done, but it was small enough that there was still space outside. 

Just at that moment, a pair of figures ran over to the edge of a nearby landmass. Tango thought it was Xisuma and that lot, but there were only two. He waved at them, and one waved back. The other placed a boat in the water, and the two sailed across. One was in full knight armour, the other had a bloodstained apron and a beard. They landed at the shore and Cleo ran over, Zedaph un-mindcontrolled. 

'Hey! Who are you?' Zed called over. 

'I'm Welsknight, and this is VintageBeef.' The knight explained. 'I seem to be able to resist attack from the mobs, and Beef... well, he can show you himself.'

Beef walked proudly out over the island, thinking hard. A row of mottled green-browny grass stuff spread from where he stepped. 

'It's Podzol.' He explained. 'But it's not just that I can create! I can make a mushroomy thing and regular grass. But the Podzol is my favourite.'

'How... unique... I can make fire, Cleo can mind control and Zed... we don't know Zed's power. Two of our friends have been taken by evil people, and there are other people coming to see us now. We have never seen them before, but communicate using a chat thing.'

'The communicators, right?' Wels examined his, turning it on. 

Welsknight: hey! Me and Beef have just found Zedaph, Cleo and another person!

Xisumavoid: hello, Wels!

Iskall85: HALLO!

Iskall85: ON OUR WAY!


Welsknight: No need to shout!

Time passed, and soon Tango could see a parade of random figures coming towards them. It was led by a figure in full futuristic yellow armour and a bee-like helmet. Behind was a Pharaoh, a bearded cyborg in a green hoodie, a little dude with wings, a half-dog person, a ninja, a surprised figure in a high-vis vest, a gentleman in a three-piece suit, and a girl with brown curls. As he saw the second group, the bee-warrior began running. 

'Tango!' He called. 

'Hey.' Tango replied casually. The group arrived, and looked around. They clearly didn't expect the others to look like that. 

'You're actually a zombie?' Wing-guy asked Cleo incredulously. 'And you're actually a knight?' He turned to Welsknight. 

'Well spotted.' Cleo replied drily. 'And you are?'

'Grian. This is Iskall.' Grian signalled to the cyborg. Iskall smiled at Cleo.

'Hallo! I'm Swedish!'

'So, we've all met again, and now we're going to get our other friends back, right?' Xisuma prompted. 

'What,' The pharaoh, Cub, started, 'do you mean by 'again'?'

'Hermitcraft, of course! We're all hermits. Oh yeah, you don't believe in Hermitcraft.'

'It's because it's all all a stupid lie.' Cub shot back. 'Hermitcraft never existed, ok? We don't know each other. I've never met these people in my life.'

'Neither.' Tango agreed. 'What's Hermitcraft? Sounds antisocial.'

'No! Why don't any of you get it?!'

'I understand.' Zedaph came over, and Xisuma brightened up. 'I understand that you had a very good dream and now you want it to be true so much you're pretending it was. Don't worry, 'Suma. It's ok. I have nice dreams too sometimes.'

'Savage!' Cub complimented. 'I like you, Zedaph.'

Xisuma stormed off, hurt by the words. 

'What's up with him?' Beef asked. 

'Do you want a list?' Cub grumbled back. 

'Right! So Jevin and Impulse have been taken by these enemy people. I saw one of them, and they seemed really dangerous. We'll need to be careful, we don't know how many people are there.' 

'What did they look like?' Xisuma yelled over from his sulking-corner. 

'They seemed to be half-creeper-' 

'That's Doc.' 

'Of course it's Doc! Who else would it be? Dopey? Grumpy? Sleepy?'

'Well Grumpy's already here, so it can't be him.' Xisuma shot back. Cub was silent at this insult. 'Doc's really... untrusting. He's not a nice person if you don't know him. But if you do know him, he's a really good friend.' 

'Ooh, look. Your dream-world's growing even more.' Cub interrupted rudely. 

'So, we're screwed?' Tango sighed.

'No, we're not. We probably have more people. How many of us are there? 14? That's more than half the Hermits. They can't have more than we do. Is everyone ready?'

'Ready to punch you in the face, yes.' Cub replied icily. 

'You really hate each other, don't you?' Tango remarked. Cub and Xisuma glared at each other.

'Are we going to go then?' Ren asked nervously. 'I wanna get this over with.' 

'Agreed.' Grian stated. He was still quite jumpy from the cave.

'Then let's go.' Tango led the way, and the others followed behind, not talking, scared of what would greet them. 

Just so y'all know, Cub's only going to get less likeable. >:)

Forgotten (sequel of Cursed) - Hermitcraft fanfic REWRITE ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now