Ch 17 - The dream

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It was the day after the fight. 

The dead had been counted and mourned. Someone had told Taurtis what happened, and now they were all sitting around a fire. Excluding Cub, who'd been sacked from being leader quickly after.

'So... we're the last ones left that are... you know, good.' Beef murmured sadly. 

'I guess so...' Jevin replied. 

'At least we weren't all killed.' Taurtis reasoned. 

'Why should that make it better?' Tango shot back. 'I watched my two closest friends get slaughtered in front of me. The two friends I had a psychic connection to.'

'Everyone lost people.' Grian muttered, dabbing his broken wing with some wool. He sighed. Stress continued stroking one of her wolves. 

'Where do you think Cub went?' Etho asked

'No idea... hope he doesn't come back.' Tango clenched his fists. 'He caused my friend's deaths.'

'You don't need to keep mentioning it!' Grian snapped. 'We all lost people, ok? I lost Iskall and Mumbo! I watched so many people die! It's not all about you!'

'Well, it's not about you either!'

'Both of you! Quiet!' Etho snapped. 'Everyone lost friends! We don't need a debate about it, ok?'


'Now, should we continue this base?' Beef asked. 

'No.' Jevin replied instantly. 'I hate it. It reminds me of Cub. I hate Cub.'

'We should relax for a few days before doing anything.' Etho suggested 'Now, let's rest.'

The diminished group fell silent. Jevin shuffled into a lying down position. The others followed suit. Grian struggled to get comfortable with his wing, but eventually fell asleep.

He fell into a dream. He was standing by a truly enormous building, made of white and grey concrete and blue glass. He looked over to see Iskall, Jevin and Tango. The three held more of the blocks, and somehow Grian knew they'd built it. 

'This should stop Team Star attacking.' Tango grinned confidently. 'Well done, G-team.'

The dream changed, and he was with Iskall and someone he didn't recognise in brown clothes and a Stetson. They were each standing on top of their own huge buildings. The random-guy, who somehow he knew was called Scar, and Iskall's buildings had a huge variety of different things stacked on top of each other. Grian's was the same style - an enormous, leaning rustic-house with a dragon two thirds of the way up. 

'Scar, your house is one block too small.' Iskall stated. Scar looked down.

'No... no it isn't!'

'Check! Build height is 258. Your house is...'


Suddenly, he was on a small island, surrounded by people. He recognized most of them. 

'Welcome to Hermitcraft season 7, go!' Came Xisuma's voice. Grian jumped off the island and began swimming.

Again the dream changed. He was holding a map with a huge moustache and words saying 'Vote for Mumbo!' on. He pinned it to a wall and walked on, placing down a few more. Then (he was getting used to this) the dream changed. 

He was hovering above the ground in a huge room, with Mumbo below him. His communicator was going mad. 

'Hey, Mumbo.' He greeted, 'What's up?'

'Apparently you. How are you doing that? Is there glass? Or string?'

'Well, I woke up.' Grian began. 'And I was floating.' 

Suddenly, he was throwing a trident at someone in the dark. Another dream. The person dodged it and sliced it him. Pain flew up his body, and he tripped over. His brain turned to jelly with the agony, as he was stabbed in the side with a sword, and then in the chest with a trident and-

 Grian burst awake,  out and waking everyone else. Stress squealed. Jevin sat bolt upright, Etho leapt up, a sword out. Tango looked around wildly, yelling something indistinguishable, hair sticking up everywhere. Taurtis groaned, frowning. 

'Wh... what happened?! Are we under attack?!' Tango questioned, paranoid. 

'I... I...'

'Was it a dream?' Etho asked too, somehow staying calm. Grian resorted to nodding. 

'Y... yeah. But it felt like a memory... from before.'


'In... in the other world.'

'Xisuma... was right. There was a Hermitcraft.'

'Really? Are you sure it wasn't just a dream?' Tango asked suspiciously.

'It felt real. And I died at the end.' 


'I was killed. It hurt.'

'There's no problem in real life though, right?' Etho continued to look around.

'N... no.'


'What happened in this dream?' Stress asked. 

'It kept changing... it seemed to be lots of different memories. And it ended with me fighting someone and being killed.'

'If anyone tells X then he'll freak out.' Tango joked. 

'What will we DO about him and that other guy?' Etho asked.

'Keep them there. They're annoying.' Tango replied. Stress nodded. 

'Fine. Now, we should keep sleeping. It's still night.'

'My wing hurts...' Grian complained. The feathered limb had started bleeding again. 'Someone needs to actually sort it out.' 

'I can try and fix it based on other birds...' Stress suggested. Grian grimaced, but nodded. 

'Everyone else's going back to sleep. I'm tired.' Etho lay down to rest. 'If there's nothing else going on-' 

'Umm... guys?' Jevin began slowly. Everyone looked at him. 'Where's Beef?'

Forgotten (sequel of Cursed) - Hermitcraft fanfic REWRITE ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now