Ch 23 - Guess what? More fighting!

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Xisuma shot to his feet, but Cub stayed sitting.

'Cub... are you coming?'

'Y... yeah.' The pharaoh smiled, standing up. 

'Let's go see what happened.'

Cub piled up some helpful blocks from his inventory (provided by plot convenience) and the two hurried out of the building. 

It appeared that NPG wasn't the only robot there. All of them had returned. Tango, Beef and Stress were fighting desperately to survive against the four enemies. All were hurt, bleeding badly. Cub ran straight into the fight. Xisuma just stared at the one in the red outfit like his own.

'Brother...' he whispered hoarsely. Stress was fighting him, and was close to passing out from blood loss. Xisuma narrowed his eyes and raced over to him, pulling him away from Stress.

Xamphe turned, striking him down with his sword. Xisuma got back on his feet quickly, blocking a second blow. Stress smiled gratefully.

'Wolves... go...' A pack of untamed wolves dashed out of nowhere, attacking Bdubs and helping Beef. The night-phobic robot fled quickly, as though he'd already met the creatures before. TFC and xB were fighting against Cub and Tango, and they were equally matched. Just as Xisuma was about to help, Xamphe came in again for another blow. The brother turned back, blocking quickly and backing away. Xamphe stabbed at his groin and Xisuma dodged. Beef ran forwards to help, but was quickly defeated and left for dead on the ground. Xisuma quickly avenged him, shoving his brother back and stabbing with his sword. 

'Don't you try and stop us.' He warned as Xamphe fell away, bleeding. He narrowed his eyes and charged at Xisuma again. 

X couldn't get out the way, and ended up on the ground, sword spinning away from him. Xamphe stabbed at him, but armour protected the former admin. Xisuma swiped at him again, scratching his brother's helmet.

Cub and Tango still battled against xB and TFC. Tango managed to kill the latter, but Cub was getting slowly battered by the younger robot. Tango ran over to help, hands lighting with fire. 

'Don't you go thinking that you're going to get away safely...' he warned. xB gulped, stepping back. Cub pointed his sword at him. 

'Yeah, what he said.'

xB narrowed his eyes and attacked again. Cub took most of the impact, falling. Tango stabbed xB in the back, but the robot didn't react. He made to murder the pharaoh... until he fell to the floor from Tango's next blow. Cub smiled gratefully. 

At the same time, Xisuma and Xamphe were still battling. The former was standing again, somehow having got out of his tricky situation. Xamphe aimed another killing blow, and Xisuma blocked with his shield. As the eviler brother pulled his sword free, Xisuma dropped the shield and fled. He drew his bow and shot some arrows, one of which hit. 

'You're not getting away from me very easily.' Xamphe warned. 'We were actually clever and set our spawns nearby.'

At that exact moment, xB and TFC returned, both armed. The former had a bow and was aiming his first arrow straight to kill Cub. Tango ran towards the robot, intercepting and forcing him to use a sword instead to fight him. Cub scrambled to his feet, suddenly locked in combat with TFC again. 

'You're all going to die.' Xamphe laughed. 

'Keep up that optimism brother. But... But NPG is permadead! You have no leader!'

'Then where are the slimes?' Came the cryptic reply. 

'Go! Go and kill them! Wolves!' Stress called, wakened by a golden apple she'd found in a chest nearby. The lupine animals ran for the enemy. xB was dragged away, while TFC just ran. Xamphe still refused to give up, even as Cub and Tango both joined in fighting him. When the enemy was surrounded, he only glared at his brother, staying where he was. 

'You won't defeat me. If you kill me then I'll just return.' 

'Shove him in a hole like we did for Taurtis.' Cub ordered. Tango nodded, digging said hole. Xisuma pushed him into it, covering the top. 

'There.' He fell to the floor, shattered by exhaustion. 'They're gone again.' 

'For now...' Tango warned.

'I'm still figuring out what they meant by that slime thing.' Cub confessed. 'I have no idea. What links slime and NPG?'

'Both cause a mess when not controlled?' 

'No! It must also link to death, because it was the reply to him being dead... What if it's something to do with Jevin?'

'Why him?' Xisuma asked. 

'Because he could create slimes... Yes! This feels right... What links Jevin and a permadeath NPG.'

'Jevin's dead too.' Tango answered. 'Cub! You're a genius!'

'I still don't get it.' Stress scratched her head.

'The question was 'Where are the slimes?' Jevin could create slimes, but since he's been dead, all the slimes disappeared.' Cub explained.

'That means that the robot people will turn back to normal when we kill NPG... as in, permadead.' Tango continued.

'So... we need to find a way to kill him?'


'How?' Xisuma asked. 

'Who else can cause Permadeath?'


'So... we need to force Taurtis to help us, and get him to kill NPG. Then, someone kills him and everything's great!' Tango planned.

'Exactly!' Cub agreed. 

'Since when were you two so friendly with each other?' Stress interrupted.

'I don't know... He just seems nicer now.' Tango grinned at his new friend, and Cub smiled back. 

'Now let's go save everyone!'

This chapter was a pain to write. But I'm only going to do 25 chapters, not 30 like my other stories. 

Forgotten (sequel of Cursed) - Hermitcraft fanfic REWRITE ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now