Ch 25 - filler

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NGL, until the end of the last chapter, I really haven't enjoyed writing this book very much. I just want it to be done now. 

Edit: this turned into a mess. I really wouldn't recommend reading this chapter. Just skip to the epilogue.

Let's go...

'I... I don't want to kill you, but I don't want to join you.' Taurtis stammered. 'I'm the last one left...'


'If I kill you, I'll be alone.'

'If you join us, you'll be with us.'

'I don't want to!'

'But you must! Those others are bad people! They trapped you in a hole, they trapped me in a cabinet!'

'Grian made you.'

'Grian was wrong. You did well when you kill him.'

'No, I didn't.'

'Yes, you did. I'm so proud of you, Taurtis. You'd be perfect.'

'I'm not on your side!'

'Join us...'

Taurtis stabbed TFC at this point. Wels looked ready to attack. Bdubs looked like he wanted to go to sleep. 

'Very well... you have chosen death.'

Wels ran forwards to attack, and Taurtis tried to hit him. But something stopped his obsidian sword injuring the knight. Wels knocked the sword away and Taurtis drew a diamond one. Bdubs picked up his normal sword, before dropping it suddenly.

'Watcher sword. Only I can use it. Sorry!'

Bdubs went to attack then, and Taurtis slipped out the way, grabbing the obsidian weapon. He stood up again and sliced at Bdubs. Wels stood back, and Taurtis grabbed a couple splash poison potions and threw them. He then killed Bdubs, backing away again as Wels poisoned down to almost death. Then he threw a damage potion.

Welsknight was killed by Taurtis using magic.

'Now it's just us,' NPG stated

'The last two people in this world.' Taurtis agreed. 'Except Evil X, who was shoved in a hole.'

'He doesn't matter.' 

'Sure. I don't care about him.'

'Are we going to fight?'

'I don't want to fight you. You look too much like Grian.'

'I've always thought that too.'

Taurtis sat down, putting away his sword. NPG did the same.

'So, let's talk. If you kill me, you'll be the last person alive. Same with me.'

'But if you join me, become a robot, we can be together.

'But I don't want to be a robot. That leaves only two options. We just ally normally, or we kill each other at the same time.'

'What's the benefit of just allying?'

'We don't have to fight, and I don't have to be a robot.'

'True. And killing each other?'

'No one wins, no one loses... we join our friends in the afterlife.'

'I prefer the first option.'

'Me too.' 

'Let's just do that and be done with this whole situation.'

And with that, NPG killed Taurtis. 

'Haha, I win.' 

Alternative ending!

'Please don't.' The author requested, breaking the fourth wall again. 'I need to fill 600 more words with filler. Can you fight instead?'

'Neither of us want to fight!'

'But I'm the author, so I can force you to fight!'

'Taurtis, you're on my side!' NPG declared with finality. 

But at that moment, because the author desperately needed something to happen, Evil X arrived in a flash of lightning. 

'I'm not on your side!' He yelled randomly. 'Let's fight so the author can fill 600 words of filler!'

'See, I told you I  could force you to fight! I'm going now. Goodbye!'

And with that, the author left, repairing the fourth wall with even more duct tape. 

Evil X ran forwards to attack, and Taurtis struck back. NPG stayed back, still thinking about the author's appearance. Was this really just a story?'

'hEy! We're here!' A Russian voice called over, as two people appeared. Evil X stopped attacking, and Taurtis looked confused,

'Did the author send you too?'

'No, we sent ourselves! We're Zloy and Pixlriffs, from Hermitcraft recap! We've just found this new world! Tell us what happened, so we can do something with it!'

'So, basically...'  Taurtis began. 'All the hermits were sent to this world after they died, but they'd all lost their memories. They all met together, after some fighting, and that's when NPG appeared. Then they build some stuff, until a random pharaoh showed up and basically enslaved everyone. Time passed, and there was a huge fight. Me and someone called Scar turned up at some point. Scar was shoved in a hole, I wasn't. More fighting, Cub was temporarily sacked from existence, I killed Grian, more stuff happened and then we decided to all fight here.'

'Thanks for filling up even more space!' The author yelled from absolutely nowhere. 'And how was this only a hundred words more?' 

'Can't we just end the chapter here?'

'Sure, why not. I don't want to write this.'

And with that, they all lived happily ever after! 

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