Ch 12 - More slimy bois!

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Jevin watched Jello bouncing around, staring at the slime tiredly. Cub had made everyone work, but he had snuck away, claiming that one of his slimes had run away. Somehow, Cub had let him go. 

Jevin sighed, knowing he'd have to go back at some point. But for now he enjoyed the company of his gooey friends. Particularly Jello, his first little slimy boi he'd created. 

Just then, another slime bounced out of somewhere. Jevin didn't recognise it, but Jello definitely didn't mind. The two blooped curiously to each other, before both became a full rainbow colour. The slimes seemed very pleased by this, as some others started bouncing happily around them. Jevin smiled too. 

'Jello, I think you found yourself a boyfriend!' He grinned. 'Congratulations!' 

Jello bounced again, blooping joyfully. His fiancé blooped back. Jevin created a baby slime, somehow more adorable than the slimes or relationship. It bounded over to it's new parents, blooping as it went. Jello and the other slime - quickly named Jiggle - seemed ecstatic, booping their new child. Jevin grinned even more - if that was possible - and dubbed the baby Rainbow. 

'Jello, I'm so proud of your family!' The humanoid slime gushed, just like a tearful parent. But he was interrupted by a shadow. 


The slime turned to see Cub, looking very grumpy. 

'Hello... how's it going?' Jevin looked away.

'You said you were finding a missing slime. It appears that wasn't quite the truth, was it?'

'It's not my fault it got married and had a baby! Meet Jello, Jiggle and Rainbow.'

'I did not ask for their names.'


'Yes. Why did you lie?'

'Because... because I don't want to work endlessly!' Jevin finally gained confidence. 'I don't remember our life before, but this doesn't seem right. None of it does. From the moment you decided to trap Xisuma in... in whatever you trapped him in, it's felt very wrong, and I don't like it!'

'Xisuma was an annoying know-it-all that was making up things so he could be more popular. He deserved what he got.'

'But... but did he? Cub... I don't think he was lying.'

Cub looked outraged, and Jevin stepped back. 

'Please! Don't hurt me! I take it back if you hate it so much!' Cub softened again, and Jevin continued. 'But... but I don't want to work endlessly for this. It was supposed to be fun... this feels like it should've been fun.'

'Whatever dream you're believing, Jevin, it's not true.' 

'It might be...'

'IT'S NOT. And if you mention ANY of your opinions on this again... well, let's just say 'rainbow' won't be happy.'

At this, all the slimes growled the way only slimes could, including Jevin. The humanoid slime drew his sword and pointed it at Cub.

'Don't you DARE threaten my slimes. Threaten me, sure. But not them. Do you understand?'

'If I hurt them, it will be your fault because you didn't obey me.'

Jevin didn't sheath his sword, and Cub pointed his own one back. 

'I'm being nice, Jevin...'

'THIS is nice?!'

'Shut up or you'll be joining Xisuma in the prison. Then no one could protect little 'Rainbow'.'

Jevin growled again, clearly about to get violent. Cub glared back, but kept his cool.

'Jevin, sheath your sword.' He commanded.

'Only when you take back everything you said.' 

'JEVIN. Sheath your sword or one of us will get hurt.'



The slimes, noticing it was about to get violent, surrounded Jevin in defence. Rainbow was led away to safety. Cub looked down at the small army, as Jevin summoned a couple more gooey friends. 

'There's no need for this Jevin...' Cub hid his fear well. A couple of tiny blue-grey winged creatures with swords appeared next to him. 

'These are Vex.' He explained. 'I seem to be able to summon them, like you can summon slimes. But they're much more dangerous. So back down, and they don't have to attack.'

'I'm not scared. I have more slimes than you have of those 'vex' things.'

'Well, you should be.' 

'I'm not. Give up, Cub. Stop being so ruthless. Then we won't have to fight.' 

'Well maybe you need to be taught a lesson for speaking so disrespectfully towards, and agreeing with the rubbish that Xisuma said.'

'Do you WANT me to put my sword in your chest?'

'Now you're the one threatening me.' 

Jevin sliced warningly. Cub stabbed back, hitting the slime. He fell back, holding a wound in his side. Cub grinned. 

'Will you listen now?'


Jevin fought back, and Cub blocked his first blow. He slashed as the pharaoh's face, and Cub ducked, shoving him back. The slime fell away, but ran in again for another attack. Cub hit him to the ground easily where he lay, wincing with the pain. 

'Give up, Jevin. Give up or the slimes will suffer.'

Jevin didn't seem to have a response to this, but still growled angrily. He noticed that the vex things had flown away, and returned right then, bringing over a tiny slime, quivering nervously. 


'Don't hurt Rainbow!' Jevin cried desperately.

'Give up, and don't say a word of this.' Cub snarled back. 

'I... I will. Just don't hurt Rainbow!'

'Do you promise?'

'I swear on Jello's life!' 

'Good. I'm glad you understand. Now, get back to working.' 

Jevin stood up slowly, while Jello blooped worriedly behind. Jiggle blooped too, bouncing over to where the vex had discarded Rainbow. Cub watched the humanoid slime walk painfully over to where the others were working, before looking surprisedly down at his hands. 

They'd started glowing with a white light, and he held them up. Some kind of portal appeared in front of him. Nothing happened for a moment. Cub frowned, confused. 

Just then, a figure fell through the portal. They looked up, and Cub saw them properly. They had strange clothes: a brown jacket and what seemed to be a Stetson, and had scars across their face. 

Cub didn't recognise them.

I told you Cub would get worse.


And if I EVER injure Rainbow, you have permission to murder me.

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