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This book will feature death, a bit of gore, and censored swearing 

I will leave a trigger warning for the worst

Now time fail to come up with any ideas for the prologue...

Right, we're skipping the prologue

Also imma base the entire setting of this based on the first world that comes up by making a new world on minecraft 


(Just going to hope it isn't a rubbish world)

He woke up. 

There was grass underneath his feet. In fact, under his hands as well. He was on his hands and knees. He looked up. Trees, with dark green leaves and bark. Next step, stand up. 

It took longer than expected. He didn't know what to expect, but his legs were splayed far beyond what they should've been. He made some strange noise with his mouth as he tried to balance. He had a voice. Alright. 

Next step, look around. He was on a small hill, right next to a plains, with a distant mountain. Trees surrounded the rest of the hill, similar trees to the ones nearest him. Walking- a step towards the plains. That seemed safest. Plus there was water. And another person, in the distance, just woken up. Stumbling down the hill, he tried not to fall over, reaching the bottom, steadying himself. A small pool of water lay on his left, and he walked towards it, still mastering the art of putting one foot in front of the other... at last he reached it, a roof of dirt covering most of it, looking down at his reflection... a small figure with a red sweater and shaggy brown-blonde hair stared back. Wings stuck from his back. He frowned, stretched them out. Largish - probably large enough to fly with, if he was confident enough to do-

Before he could consider anything else, there was a sudden force from behind, and his already-rubbish balance failed, throwing him straight into the water. Cold, sudden, terrifying, his legs kicked for the ground, arms flailing and splashing, trying to keep his head and wings out of it... a foot hit the sandy stone below him and he stood again, waist high in freezing water...

He turned around, soaking and furious. There was another person there, wide eyed in fear with brown hair and a black t-shirt. The rest was hidden from view. 

'I'm sorry!' The other person spoke. 'I was scared- I didn't know if you were dangerous...' 

'Who are you?' He replied, the words weird.

'I don't know- I just woke up... do you want help out of there?' 

'No need...' He stumbled up the sand, slipping, trying not to fall again... just as his foot missed grip, and his body lurched back, the other person grabbed his hand, pulling him to safety. 

'I'm so, so sorry... who are you?'

'I don't know either.' He responded, suddenly uneasy. 'Why... are you here?'

'I woke up here? A few minutes ago? Are you... angry?'

'You pushed me into water!' He shot back. 'What do you think?!' The other person stepped back.

'Sorry- I was scared...' 

He began to walk off, leaving the other guy alone, climbing the hill again. It was harder on the way up, but not that much harder. Unfortunately, he was followed.

'Hey- can we stick together? I don't know if there's anyone else here or what... we have the same wrist thingy on...' He turned, looking between their arms at the metal thing on his lower arm. He frowned, pressing the only button on it. An empty screen appeared, and his eyes widened.

Forgotten (sequel of Cursed) - Hermitcraft fanfic REWRITE ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now