Ch 1 - Amnesiacs

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He woke up, confused. He couldn't remember much, if anything. All he was really sure about was his name, and he didn't really remember that. He was called... Cub? Was it Cub? It sounded right. His second task was opening his eyes, which was achieved quite quickly. 

Cub scrambled back at the sight of a half-dog person pointing a wooden weapon at him. Seeing that he was scared, the stepped away quickly.

'Oh, jeez... I didn't mean to scare you... I'm sorry! Are you ok?' They exclaimed in a rush. Cub stood up, looking over at them. He had a bit more time to look around now, and saw the dog-person had a red top, blue jeans and braces, plus blue eyes and sunglasses. It appeared like he was in some kind of plains, with strange trees, half bend over. Cub looked at himself. He had a beard, and wore some strange garments in white and gold with jewels on. It reminded him of a pharaoh. But why his former self had decided to wear it was a mystery. 

'I'm... Cub...' he spoke slowly, debating whether he said the right thing. The dog-person smiled. 

'I'm Ren, I think. Did I hurt you?'

'N... no... do you know where we are?'

'I've forgotten everything. All I know is my name.' 


Cub and Ren looked around awkwardly, unable to think of anything else to say. 

'Do you think there's anyone else in this world?' Cub asked. 


He fiddled with a thingy on his wrist that Ren also seemed to have. A whole bunch of letters came up.

Cubfan135: Is there anyone else here?

'Wow! How did you do that?' Ren questioned incredulously. 'Can I try?!'

Renthedog: Hello :)

Grian: I am here too. I'm with someone called Isscull 

Iskall85: hi

Cub looked over at Ren, excited. 

'So we're not alone.'

Cubfan135: where are you?

Grian: by a forest . Where are you?

Renthedog: there's a forest near me and Cub

Grian: you two are together?

Cubfan135: yes

Cub noticed another button on his communicator, one that said 'inventory'. He pressed it and it came up with a box filled with squares. In one of the little squares was a picture of a map. He pressed it, and a map appeared in his hand. 

Cubfan135: I have a map. I found it when I pressed the 'inventory' button. I wonder if it will show me where you are.

Grian: how did you get that?!

Grian: never mind! I found it! 

Cub looked at his map. It had their plains in the middle, with a bit of forest to the side. It wasn't complete at all. Ren took out his own, and saw that the two were identical. 

Cubfan135: Hey, me and Ren will try and find you two by going through the forest on our maps. See you soon, I guess.

Grian: meet you there!

Iskall85: Yeah

And with that, the two set off. 


Xisuma woke up, groaning. He looked around, realized he wasn't on hermitcraft and that Xamphe was waking up too near him. 

'Hey!' He called over. 'Brother! I'm here!' 

Xamphe looked over, and frowned beneath his helmet. 

'Should I know you? I... I don't think I have a brother...'

'Of course you do! Come on, Xamphe! Remember me!'

'H... how do you know my name?' Xamphe stood up, backing away. Xisuma followed, and ran after him. 

'Please, ya joking, right?'

'I've never seen you in my life.' 

'Xamphe! Brother!'

At that moment, 2 other figures ran into view. One had normal clothes and a cartoony shocked expression on his face. The other was in a full ninja outfit with mismatched eyes and white hair. Keralis and Etho.

'Keralis! Etho! I'm so glad to see you! Please say you remember me!'

'Do I know you? How do you know my name? That's creepy, dude.' Etho stated nervously. 

'It's me! Xisuma!'

'' Keralis said slowly. 'Never heard of you.'

'X... Xi... Shashwammy.' Etho had less luck with the name.

'Y... You really don't remember me?'

'Nope. Never seen you before in my life.' Etho replied certainly. 

Xisuma looked devastate. Instead of focusing on it, he checked chat. There seemed to be a conversation between Cub, Ren, Grian and Iskall there.

Xisumavoid: Hey, guys! Do any of you remember me?

Grian: How the rotten teabags do we say your name?!

Cubfan135: I don't remember anything. I have no clue who you are. 

Xisumavoid: We used to be together on the same world! Hermitcraft? Do you know it? 

Renthedog: Hermitcraft? What's hermitcraft? Sounds rubbish!

Keralis1: Hello :) 

Etho: We're here too :)

Cubfan135: :)

Xisumavoid: what about the others? Like Stress, and hypno, and Jevin?

iJevin: I'm made of SLIME

Xisumavoid: never mind

iJevin: But I'm literally a blue slime! And I'm surrounded by other slimes!

Iskall85: I'm a cyborg!

Cubfan135: I'm an Egyptian pharaoh!

Renthedog: I'm half dog!

iJevin: where are you guys?

Grian: heading through a forest, towards where Cubfan and Rendog are. I'm with Iskall.

iJevin: I'm on a tiny island surrounded by water. Trying to find a boat, currently. 

Xisuma closed the chat. Etho and Keralis had gone off again, so had Xamphe. He sighed and found his map, realising he could see the forest on it.

Xisumavoid: I'm near this forest, I can join you lot

Grian: see you there mr 'I know who you are!'

Cubfan135: see you later, Xisuma

And with that, he set off. 

Forgotten (sequel of Cursed) - Hermitcraft fanfic REWRITE ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now