Ch 16 - another fight

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Hello, this is Frost writing this. I am the part of Ember that loves killing everyone people like. Currently, the actual Ember is hibernating over winter, because she's tired of 2020 and is too cold. (Don't worry though, it's the same person IRL)

'Umm... Cub? Is there supposed to be an ominous army heading towards us?'

Grian sat at the top of the skyscraper base they were building, looking over at a small group of people heading towards them. They were quite far away, but he could see the weapons in their hands. 

'Fly over and investigate. False, Wels, follow on the ground and attack them if they're bad. Ren, Doc, stop me from getting hurt. Everyone else, prepare for battle.' The pharaoh ordered hastily

False and Wels obeyed, as did Grian. Iskall and Mumbo gave everyone weapons. Tango and impulse's hands lit with their respective magics. Zedaph hid behind them, a comedic thought bubble in the air above him, showing absolute chaos and everyone dead. Prophesy, maybe?

Jevin glared at Cub, but summoned enough slimes to cause death to the enemy. Cleo stood ready to mind-control next to him. 

Keralis and Etho looked ready to attack too. Bluish ice crystals grew up the latter's arms. He could control ice. 

Beef hastily made a wall of mycelium in case they were grass fans before falling back with the others. Hypno looked ready to murder. Stress pretended she wasn't terrified and prepped a lot of wolves and cows with instructions of who to maul. Ren and Doc stood by Cub, the latter with his trident out. All were ready, waiting, for the imminent attack. 

Meanwhile, False and Wels were locked in combat with a group of robots. Grian still hovered above, firing a few arrows as he did. False managed to kill one robot with a black and teal hoodie, while Wels finished up another, who was old and bearded. The group fell back, running. 

An arrow from one at the side in a white hoodie floored False. The blonde girl fell to the ground.

Falsesymmetry was slain by BdoubleO100. 

'FALSE!' Wels howled. He sunk beside his permadead friend, hiding his tears. There was a finger snap behind, and his hands turned to metal. 

Grian fled. 

'Help!' He yelped as he entered the vicinity of his friends. 'False and Wels are gone! False was permadead killed, Wels was turned into a robot I... I saw it happen. The evil people are coming... there are three others of them. They're robots... One looks like Xisuma, but wearing red stuff instead and not a bee. One seems to be called 'BdoubleO100...'

'Bdubs! The traitor...' Doc growled. 

'The third... the third is me! But a robot! I... help!'

Suddenly, there was a flashy burst of lightning in the middle of the group and someone in red appeared. Grian was right about them looking like Xisuma. 

Instantly, Doc's trident flew at the enemy. They dodged, and it hit the ground before flying back to its owner. 

The other two had arrived at this point. Robot-Grian-dude took down Iskall and Mumbo instantly in one blow. Bdubs ran into the group, throwing more potions. Stress squealed loudly, sending all her animal friends running for the robot. Jevin sent his slimes following close behind, before being tackled by robot-Wels. He swung his sword helplessly, before Cleo pulled him off, mind controlling her former-friend. It was quickly broken and she staggered away. Robot  Wels fired an arrow at her. 

Zombiecleo was slain by Welsknight. 

Renthedog was slain by Evil Xisumavoid

'REN!' Doc cried, unable to mourn and shoving his trident at Evil Xisumavoid. EX's armour stopped any injury. 

'Don't let him kill me!' Cub snapped. 

'Do you THINK that I CARE?!' Doc retorted, stabbing Evil X a third time. The robot was unfazed. 

DocM77 was slain by Evil Xisumavoid

'Don't attack me!' Cub whimpered, running to safety. He purposefully shoved Impulse into Evil X's path. 

Impulse was slain by Evil Xisumavoid 

Zedaph was slain by Evil Xisumavoid

Close behind, Hypno fended off Robot Grian. Real Grian flew above, hitting his doppelgänger  with arrows. Hypno tripped.

Hypnotyzsd was slain by NPC Grian

Etho joined the fight, freezing NPG with one touch and killing him. Keralis looked over at where Bdubs was overwhelmed by assorted creatures.

BdoubleO100 was slain by Wolf. 

'Well done my doggies! Oh, you're so cute!' Stress gushed proudly. The creatures went off to attack the other evil people, including Evil X, who was still fighting against a very furious, teary Tango. Cub had disappeared completely by this point. Etho and Keralis were badly hurt from their fights, but still continued to fight Wels. Grian tried to stay in the air with his torn wing, also battling the knight. Beef was slumped, half-dead, against a wall. Jevin was kneeling down, weeping, next to the corpses of Rainbow and Jello. Wels aimed another killing blow. 

Keralis was slain by Welsknight. 

Welsknight was slain by Etho. 

'Take that you murderous former-friend!' The Canadian yelled grumpily. Tango and Doc were having less luck against Evil X.

DocM77 was slain by Evil Xisumavoid

Tango screeched with madness, setting free a whole lot of fire. Unsurprisingly, Evil Xisuma ran away at this, towards the water and dived into it. The remaining people looked around as Cub emerged again.

'Well done, everyone. You all got rid of the evil people.'

'You could've helped!' Tango turned on the pharaoh, seething. 'I saw you as you ran for safety! You got Impulse and Zed killed! You got Ren and Doc killed! You could've fought too, you know!'

'I didn't want to die!'





'Hey, guys! What did I miss?' Taurtis grinned as he wandered up from the mines, holding a whole lot of diamonds. 'I got some stuff for us! Look! Diamonds.' 

Here's a list of the dead:













Joe was already dead. None of the robots actually died because only the robots can make people permadead. 

Happy Christmas!

Forgotten (sequel of Cursed) - Hermitcraft fanfic REWRITE ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now