Ch 7 - tensions rising

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Something had happened to the other side. 

Jevin was missing, and no one else had communicated since for the whole day. Xisuma kept trying, and suggested finding their camp. Cub replied by rudely asking him why he thought he was leader and said they were staying where they were. 

Grian left the conversation as they started arguing heatedly. He joined Iskall and Ren outside, grabbing a pickaxe.

'Are we ready to go then?' He asked, excited to go mining. Ren nodded, leading the way It was the former two's first time. Grian was very excited. Iskall was more intrigued. 

Ren led them into the torchlight of their strip-mine, down towards the depths of the world. They paused at the bottom. 

'Right, try and avoid the orange stuff.' Ren explained 'It's lava and burns you and your stuff. Anything grey with dots of other colours inside is good. Mine it. Do we all have our pickaxes?'

'Yep!' Grian held it anticipatively. Ren led him and Iskall further in. 

Up at the surface, Mumbo had just woken up again. He looked around slowly, taking in his surroundings. He had a small headache, which was annoying. Arguing next to him were the pharaoh dude and an intimidating figure in yellow armour and a bee-like helmet. 

'Seriously! Cub! Let's go! They clearly need help.'

'We need to continue here!' The pharaoh, Cub, shot back. 'Anyway, if we leave right now, then Grian, Ren and Iskall will worry.'

'Hello?' Mumbo greeted awkwardly. Both of them looked at him, surprised. 

'Mumbo! You're awake!' The bee-man rushed over to him. 'Are you feeling ok?'

'Who are you? Why are you so worried?' Mumbo groaned back. 

'Yeah, Leave him alone, Xisuma.' Cub shot over. 

'Shut up, Cub. Anyway, are you feeling ok? Apparently you were very... confused before.' 

'Y... yeah. Who are you?'

'I'm Xisuma. Don't mind Cub, he's just in a bad mood.' Xisuma looked over pointedly. Cub stuck out his tongue uncouthly. 

'How do you know me?'

'I seem to be the only one that remembers our past life. Hermitcraft? Sahara? Architechs?'

'Sahara? I thought that was my name.' 

'It was a huge shop you made. You made it with Grian and Iskall.' 

'Just LISTEN to yourself.' Cub interrupted angrily. 'There's no such thing as Hermitcraft! You had a dream! You're imagining things! You're lying to make yourself seem important! Just SHUT UP!'

'Cubfan135: pharaoh, enforcer, half-vex. Created the Convex with Goodtimeswithscar in season 5 and brought it over to season 6 with Concorp. Member of HEP: Hermit Environmental Protection. You were in charge of the security in the MooPop factory. When the evil identities came, you were one of the ones who went to free Xamphe, and was fighting False when Grian was killed. You were very stubborn about rescuing Scar, and lead the hermits into their base. You ended up getting Doc killed, and Ren disliked you for it ever since. You were almost killed by being thrown into your own portal later on, but then I died and I have no idea what happened after.' 

'wOw. What a great imagination you have. Did you write this all down somewhere and memorise it to sound convincing? Or did it all just come improvised? But it's NOT TRUE. It NEVER HAPPENED. There's NO HERMITCRAFT, there's NO CONCORP, and there's NO ONE CALLED GOODTIMESWITHSCAR!'

Cub stormed out the building they were in, leaving this weird Xisuma dude alone with him. 

'Do you believe me?' Xisuma sounded honestly upset, that Mumbo had to feel some sympathy for him. 

'I... It sounds realistic? I definitely remember a Sahara...' 

'Yes! You do! You're the only one who remembers anything! Mumbo, believe me...'

'I believe you...' Mumbo tried to get out of the conversation. Xisuma seemed to notice, since he sighed.

'I should go and get on with something... Bye, Mumbo.'

Xisuma left, and Mumbo sat up. He decided to stand up, and did it very successfully. He walked around a bit, getting used to his legs, and left the place too. 

'Guys... I have a bad feeling about this...' Grian walked nervously beside Iskall and Ren. Ever since he'd got down he'd been feeling unwell. He knew it wasn't a coincidence. He just felt very claustrophobic and jumpy. 

'We've not been down here too long. It'll be fine.' Iskall brushed off the issue quickly. Grian still wasn't convinced. 

'Let's at least find diamonds.' Ren reasoned. 'Then we can go to the surface again.'

'Seriously, I feel like I'm going to faint. I need to return to the surface NOW.' Grian looked back down the cave, then at a nearby pit of lava. 'Anyone got a chest I can dump my stuff in and then get to the surface the quick way?'

'No way. Come on, it'll be fine. Not too far until we find diamonds!' Iskall tried to cheer up Grian, who was really pale and stumbling along behind the others. 

'Please... guys... I can't keep at this. I can't be underground for much longer and...' 

'RUN!' A Canadian sounding voice came from the cave ahead. Out of the dark came a surprised figure and a ninja. And behind them, a huge army of zombies. 

'What's going on? Who are you? Oh, jeez...' Ren cried frantically. Iskall grabbed Grian's hand a pulled him along. The unwell Brit groaned. 

'I'm Keralis, this is Etho.' The non-ninja explained. 'We found a small cage thing, then all these zombies appeared.' 

'Cool. Hello. I'm Ren. RUN,'

'I'm already running!' The ninja yelled. Suddenly, Grian collapsed. 

'I... can't...'

'GRIAN!' Iskall yelled. The swede stopped and easily lifted Grian up, carrying him. Ren nodded, before looking back and knocking back an overly-brave zombie. A few little zombies sped over to the fleeing group, dragging them and hurting them. Ren failed to fight them off and. 

Renthedog was slain by zombie.

'REN!' Iskall ran on, seeing the exit ahead. Etho and Keralis followed. Just at the wrong moment, a wall of gravel fell the way they were going to go. 

They were trapped. 

Forgotten (sequel of Cursed) - Hermitcraft fanfic REWRITE ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now