Ch 4 - Back to base-ics

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The 'Forest group', as they named themselves, had made a lot of progress over the last few days.

It turned out that you didn't really die when you were killed, and came back to life again where you started. (No one really understood how). Therefore, all the formerly-dead people returned. Including a person called 'Zombiecleo' who was apparently in the second place with Tango and that lot. 

Cub was the only person who'd figured out how to craft stuff, and was slowly explaining it to Iskall for the third time. Ren and Xisuma had gone into their tunnels underground to do more mining, while Grian continued work on their base/camp. It was stilted, far above the ground, with trapdoor bridges leading across to little rooms in the trees with the central room filled with their stuff. Stress had penned up a small herd of cows next to it, and was casually conversing with one of the cows. 

She was surprised no one else could understand them.

Suddenly, Cub interrupted the peaceful place by jumping up, excited. 

'Look! I made a bed! This is revolutionary!' 

Iskall looked up jealously from his position trying to make wooden planks. 

'Really? What does it do?' Grian flew down to the ground (yes, he had grown parrot wings) and approached. Cub placed it down. 

'I think we can sleep on it...' He figured out. 

'No way, Cub. I thought it was a type of food.' Iskall sarcastically butted in. 

'Oh, that's why there's wood and wool in it.' Cub shot back. There was a moment of silence after this burn, in which footsteps were heard and a figure arrived. 

'He... hello? Where am I? Who are you?' They muttered tiredly, before falling over. Grian looked over at them.

The figure appeared to be a rather dapper man in a full, half torn suit. His face was flat on the floor, but his hair was black. Cub poked him with a stick. 

'Interesting.' He stated. 'They appear to be dead.'

'He's probably just AFK.' Iskall stated calmly. 'Not dead.' 

Cub poked the figure again, and they groaned, looking up. 

'Please desist from poking.' He asked politely. 'I do not want to be poked.' The person sat up, revealing the most brilliant moustache EVER. Grian wasn't focused on anything except the moustache, clearly envious. 

'Nice... facial hair.' 

'Please, don't steal it. I think I liked it in my past life.' 


'Who are you?' Cub asked. 

'Mumbo Jumbo... I think I'm called that... I can't really remember... It was that or Sahara...'


'Sahara. No, that doesn't sound right. Call me Mumbo.'


'Yeah, hi, I'm Mumbo. Good morning, hello, wait... Is it morning? What is morning?' 

Grian stepped away from the erratic newcomer. 

'I'm Grian, this is Cub and Iskall. There are others you'll meet later on too.' 

'Hello, Grain. No, Grian. Cub? Na, don't like the outfit. Iskall? Never met you in my life. Hello.'

'Rude.' Cub  replied, walking away. 

'Wait! Iskall, no, Grian, no... wait... let me guess... Cub, yes! I'm right!'

'Are you ok?' Iskall asked, concerned. 

'Yes! No! I don't know! I like spoons!'

And with that, Mumbo Jumbo collapsed again. 

'Well.' Iskall began, 'that was weird.'

'You can say that again.' Grian looked at Mumbo uncertainly. 

'We should bring him into the base.' Iskall suggested. Grian helped him lift the moustached madman up, though the swede was strong enough to do it one handed. They took him very carefully to the ladder. Iskall climbed up backwards while Grian used his wings to get him inside, laying him on their table. 

At that moment, they came a greeting from outside. Grian looked out a window to see Ren and Xisuma, returned from mining. 

'We got DIAMONDS!' Ren called out excitedly, holding up some blue rocks. Cub came over, inspecting them. 

'Can I keep them?'

'No! We need to share. Can you make anything out of them?'

'I can try.'

Iskall jumped down to the ground again.

'We found another person. He's very... weird. Apparently he's called Mumbo.' 

'Mumbo? I thought he might turn up at some point.' Xisuma stated lightly. 'Where is he?'

'We brought him into the base. And stop with the 'I know who everyone is already.' It's annoying.'

X was silent at this, but continued up into the base. Ren deposited all the stuff they found into a chest. 

'You next time, Grian, Iskall.'

'Sure.' Grian sounded half-excited for the experience. 

'Hey guys!' Stress came over from the cows. 'I heard something about a newcomer?'

'He's inside. Xisuma's with him.'

'Oh, I'll check on him later then. I'm bored of his 'I know everything' speeches. But the base is looking nice. I still need to properly decorate my own room.' 

'Me too.' Grian admitted. 'I focused more on the outside of the whole thing, to be honest.'

'Hey! Guys! I can make some new pics from these diamonds. And a sword.' Cub's voice came over to them. Ren went over, excited. 

'Great! The pickaxe I'm using's getting quite broken. I could do with a new one.' 

iJevin: guys, I think I found something. 

Tango: what is it?

Impulse: are you ok?

iJevin: it looks like something other people have made... it's big and looks dangerous

Impulse: hold on, backup is coming! 

iJevin: there are more people! 

iJevin: I can see at least three. One's asleep. 

iJevin: Another one's shooting at me. 

Impulse: hold on! We're on our way! 

Zombiecleo: are you ok? Keep us updated.

Zombiecleo: Jevin?

Zombiecleo: are you there?

Zombiecleo: the others have gone off to help you

But there was no response from the slime. The forest group looked at each other worriedly. 

Something was definitely wrong. 

Forgotten (sequel of Cursed) - Hermitcraft fanfic REWRITE ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now