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Cub had lied. 

Lied about everything. Lied about the fact the world would be nice, lied about joining him, lied about always being there for him...

A lone figure walked through a land covered in ash, dressed in a mismatched outfit of orange and black striped trousers, a shirt with a brown jacket over the top, a Stetson, and a bluish-grey mask with a smiling, but angry, face on. 

Scar sighed, adjusting his hat and continuing through 'Evo'. The paradise, non-permadeath land he was supposed to be in. It was clearly abandoned, ruined. Something had destroyed it. And that thing was probably still there. 

He hadn't seen anyone else either.

Until today. 

There was someone ahead, lying face-first on the ground. They wore a tattered blue jumper with braces, and black trousers, as well as a long purple cloak. A pair of blue and red headphones was beside them. Scar approached cautiously. 

On closer inspection, it seemed that this person was injured. Scar took out a splash healing potion and threw it at the person. They woke up with a gasp. 

The person looked around, grabbing the headphones and pulling them on. They stood up, showing black hair and a face half-covered with a white mask. It had the same symbol as his cloak had. 

'Who... who are you?' They asked fearfully, backing away and tripping over. Scar stayed back.

'It's ok... I'm a friend. You can trust me.' 

'Why are you wearing a creepy face then?'

'It's a vex mask. If you want, I can take it off.'

'Yeah. Please do. I can't seem to be able to remove my own mask, so, sorry.' 

Scar took off the vex mask and placed it carefully in a shulker box. 

'I'm Scar.' He greeted. A fluffy grey cat poked out from his shoulder. 'And this is Jellie.'

'I... I've forgotten who I am. Wait... I need to remember... I am... turtle?'


'Yeah, something like that. And this is... Evo? I thought it was Evo. It's all gone... oh! I remember! It was destroyed by the watchers.'

'The watchers?'

'Yes. They ruined everything. They took Grian away, destroyed everything and killed everyone else.'

'Oh no! Wait... did you say Grian? I knew a grian.'

'Really?! Is he ok?'

'No. He died.'

Turtle looked crestfallen, but looked up again, realising something.

'I'm not called Turtle... It's tortoise, I think. Yeah, Taurtis.'

'As I said, I'm Scar. And currently I feel betrayed by someone I trusted. They said this place was good, and that he was coming too. He never followed, and just closed the portal behind. 

'Should we look around?'

'Yeah, good idea.'

And the two walked off together. 

Forgotten (sequel of Cursed) - Hermitcraft fanfic REWRITE ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now