Chapter 21

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When I awoke Aubrey was right next to me fast asleep, I snuck out of the bed without waking him up and grabbed my phone off the nightstand.

I walked into the bathroom and started brushing my teeth while checking my email.

"Oh my god!" I screamed nearly dropping my phone.

"What?!" Aubrey ran into the bathroom out of shock.

"Wilhelmina LA wanna work with me!"

"I thought you were dying or something, I mean that's great baby but..."

"I'm so sorry, it's just my natural reaction"

"Why do they wanna work with you?" He began brushing his teeth.

"Look at me, then ask yourself if you need to ask that question again" I giggled.

"Once again, why do they wanna work with you?" He least he should've been.

"Shut up, they didn't specify why they just said whenever I'm back in LA I should come into their office"

"I'm proud of you" he hugged me.

"Thank you" I kissed him leaving a toothpaste mark on his cheek.

Later on during the day Aubrey headed to rehearse for his upcoming Club Paradise tour, leaving me alone for like 8 hours.

Tiffany was supposed to come over from New York but her flight got delayed till midnight.

I spent the time I had by myself shopping, I ended up running into my Dj friend Mr Rogers.

"Kimberley, wussup?" He hugged me.

"Nothing really, what about you?"

"Same, what are you doing in Miami?"

"I'm meant to be hanging out with my boyfriend, but he's busy rehearsing and stuff"

"I didn't know you had a man, who is he?"

"Au- Drake" I felt awkward calling him that.

"What are you doing now? Wanna go get some food"

"Uh, sure" I looked at the time on my Rolex, Aubrey would be finished with his rehearsals soon.


When I got out of rehearsal I called Kimberley, but I didn't get an answer.

I wasn't really worried, Miami is a big ass city she was probably shopping or something.

Finally she came back to the hotel at 9:00pm.

"Where you been?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"Shopping and eating"

"With who?"

"A friend"

"Was it a nigga?"

"Was a male friend, yes"

"Who?!" I raised my voice slightly.

"Can you calm down? I didn't do anything"

"I'm not saying you did, who were you with?"

"You know the DJ, Mr Rogers?"

"What were you doing with him?"

"Nothing, we just ate then I walked around by myself"

"Mm" I brushed it off.

"Are you seriously mad?"

"Yeah, you shoulda answered the phone"

"Have you heard how loud Miami is? I didn't hear"

"Mm" I nodded.


I could tell he was annoyed, but it annoyed me that he was annoyed because it was so petty.

I didn't actually do anything, he knows I'm usually friends with guys anyways; so why was it a big deal?

He was still upset about it an hour later, but I knew how to make it up to him.

"Do you like this?" I crept up behind him while he was peering over the balcony to show him the lingerie I had bought earlier.

"Shit..." he glared at me sensually.

"I thought you might" I walked back inside waiting for him to follow me and of course he did.

He pulled me on top of him and began biting on my neck before bringing his fingers between my lips they brushed against my clit making me let out deep moans.

The deeper he went the louder I moaned, he pulled the lingerie I had on off; I gasped as he pushed his member inside of me.

"Fuck" he moaned in my ear, as he began speeding up.


It might have been late at night but it didn't stop us.

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