Chapter 9

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I didn't even return back to Aubrey's condo, I just stayed at a hotel till the next morning of my flight.

He called and I ignored every time. I did intend to talk to him, just not now.

Heading back to Toronto made me die a little inside, I figured I would get the "I told you so" from my "friends" about Aubrey. Either that or bothered with questions.

The morning after my flight I turned up to work to hand in my letter of resignation, Stephen stopped me in my tracks and pulled me in for a hug.

"Kimmi!" He released.

"Stephen, I missed you"

"How was L.A.?"

"Good" I nodded.

"Is that it?" Stephen tapped his foot.


"I was expecting a story about how you met Brad Pitt or some shit like that"

"It was just sunny, loud and that's it"



"What's that in your hand?"

"My letter of resignation"

"So you got the job?"

"Yeah, I should've told you I know-"

"No, it's okay" Stephen smiled and walked away.

I knew he wasn't okay but I couldn't deal with him being a drama queen right now. After that I handed in my letter and went into my office to clear my things out. Once again I was interrupted by Stephanie and Trisha (other women that worked there).

"We hear you're moving to L.A." Stephanie stood at the door.

"Mhmm" I nodded.

"Is it because of what people are saying about you" Trisha shrugged.

"Which people? And what are they saying"

"Well, Stephen said you left Johnny for Drake, and how you're stupid for doing that" Trisha folded her arms.

"Stephen said that?"

"Yeah, we thought we'd tell you because we figured you didn't know he was saying that"

"Thanks for telling me" I smiled falsely.

"It's a shame you're leaving" Stephanie smiled at me.

How could she stand there and say "its a shame you're leaving" if the 3 years I've been here we've never had a proper conversation. Fake people exist everywhere...Even Canada.

"Thanks guys" I grabbed my things and walked out.

I wasn't even going to bother with Stephen, I'm not the type to just "leave" things but this situation was an exception.

After that I went back to my parents' home. My mom and dad greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.

"Baby girl, we've missed you" My dad's deep Vancouver accent bellowed through my ears.

"Thanks dad" I hugged him.

"We're so proud of you for getting the job" My mom beamed at me.

"That means the world to me"

My parents were always supportive of everything I did although my father and I had a really bad relationship, he and my mom were even supportive of my decision to move to L.A. and call off my wedding with Johnny.

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