Chapter 28

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I didn't speak to Aubrey for the rest of the day or the day after, he had really pissed me the point where I wanted to fuck him up. While I was in Toronto I stayed in a hotel, I didn't wanna be around my parents if it wasn't important so that was the only other option.

At about midday I went to the hospital to see how my grandfather was doing, I made sure to go when no one else in my family was going.

"You look stress" my grandfather laughed at me.

"I'm just tired, you know I hate travelling"

"I don't believe you, it's di bwoy isn't it! I tol' you he was trouble with a capital T"

"No, it's not" I laughed.

"You want me to cuss him? I'll do it"

"Lord, no, just focus on your health" my eyes widened at the thought.

"I want to go home, the food here taste like shit" he sucked his teeth.

"I wish I still lived here, I could take care of you or something"

"You would've still been living here if you didn't leave the other one, do you ever wonder what your life would've been like?"

"Yeah, I have a lot of what if's but everything happens for a reason"

*Chapter 5 what if (alternative) ending*

"What are you doing here?" I looked up at Aubrey.

"What am I doing here? I'm here for your wedding" he said.

"No the real reason" I rolled my eyes.

"To tell you I love you"

"Like you loved Catya, like you loved all those others?"

"No, I love you more than anyone that I've ever met"

"That's not true-"

"Say you don't love me back and I'll be done"

"I love you, but I can't leave him"

"Ok, so go out there to all those people and marry a nigga you don't love, go live the rest of your life as a fuckin' lie"

"Are you serious? I would give anything to love him the way I love you but I don't"

"You're gonna kill yourself trying to convince everyone that he's the love of your life, I see the way you look at him when he touches you and calls you"

"Let me worry about that"

"Enjoy your life Kimberley" he shook his head and walked out.

I slumped down and let a tear fall from my eyes, my mom walked back in and looked at me with a sombre expression.

"Come here" she held me and rocked me on her chest, but I quickly snapped out of my emotional phase and released myself from her.

"I need to redo my makeup, is the artist still here?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I think she's finishing up the bridesmaids, honey I really don't think you should be doing this-"

"It's too late mom, way too late" I started doing my own makeup.

"I know I encouraged this, but I thought you loved him"

"Stop it, you knew I didn't love him but you were focused on the money in his account than the love in my heart- I don't even want to talk about this"

She remained silent until I had to walk down the aisle, then just as I held my father's arm and plastered on a smile she whispered "I'm sorry" in my ear.

"I almost thought you had walked out on me" Johnny laughed when I reached him at the end of the aisle.

"I was so close" I said as if I was joking, I looked around to see if Aubrey was still there but he wasn't.


"Is she still not answering?" A$AP Rocky said to me on the tour bus.

"Yeah, she's mad but it's me that should be mad, I'm fuckin' annoyed"

"I get why you're mad, but calling it hoe shit is prolly why she doesn't wanna talk to you"

"She's gonna do some petty shit watch, 23 but when she's mad she's 13"

"I'll call her and see if she answers" he laughed and took out his phone.

"Rakim, what's up" she answered.

"Nothin, listen someone needs to talk to you" he handed me the phone.


"Oh my God, nigga I will hang up-"

"I swear to God if you hang up I will get Chubbs to fly out there and kidnap you"

"Um, okay hi" she put on her attitude voice.

"Why don't you answer when I call you?"

"Call me now, I'll answer" she hung up.

"I told you she was crazy" I shook my head laughing.

"Crazy attracts crazy" Rocky laughed.

I FaceTimed Kimberley when I arrived at my hotel, I was ready for the cussing I was about to receive.

"I'm glad it's facetime, so you can see how mad I am" she glared at me.

"You know I didn't mean what I said baby, I should be the one that's mad anyways"

"There you go with your charming shit, you lightskinned motherfucka... I will kill you if you ever, ever, call me a hoe again" she glared even harder.

"Shit, alright I'm sorry, but technically I didn't call you a hoe" I was slightly afraid, like I said Kimberley is crazy.

"Whatever I accept your apology, I'm sorry for not telling you about the photo shoot"

"Yeah, don't do it again" I laughed.

"Okay Papi" she teased.

"Don't do this to me" I laughed holding my head.

"Ok, I won't...anyway since you annoyed me I didn't get to tell you why I came to Toronto-"

"Oh yeah, what's up with that?"

"My grandfather collapsed and in the hospital, I came to see how he is"

"And how is he? He's gonna be okay?"

"I think so, but then my dad brought Alisha to the hospital"

"Wow, he's trying to portray this happy family thing for real"

"I hate her so much"

"Don't bother hating her, you gotta be relevant to be hated"

"So true"

Eventually I had to get off the phone to get ready for the show, but I was glad we had fixed things. Sort of, my appearance with Rihanna was cancelled which was good in some ways because I would be avoiding her and possibly an argument with Kimberley.

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