Chapter 31

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Last night I had really fucked up, I went out with the crew and got too drunk...but also got into a little problem with Chris Brown. I hadn't even seen Kimberley when I got back to the hotel, she was probably with her mom seeing as she had flown out a few days ago.

"Kimberley!" I sighed as she finally picked up the phone.

"Oh you remember me now?" She kissed her teeth.

"Stop playin' around, you're carrying my baby, I wanna know where you are at all times where are you?"

"Don't ask me SHIT, until you sort yourself out...I don't wanna see you!"

"Kimberley, please"

"No, you don't listen to me, EVER"

"How do you expect us to get anywhere when you act like this?"

"Certainly not by throwing bottles at motherfucka's, that's for sure!"

"Let me explain"

"Nope, sort yourself out" she hung up.

I understood I messed up, but that didn't give her a right to just run off. At least I knew she would be safe because she was with her mom, I just wanted to be with her and chill with her. I connected with Kimberley like no other and it would hurt me if she did move on.


My mom had flown out a couple days ago to look after me, she was convinced because she has two children she was a pro in pregnancy and childbirth. She hadn't seen me since I found out I was pregnant and now I was almost at the end of my second trimester, she was very, very excited. My grandma (on my mom's side) had a house in New York so that was where I would be staying till I decided to talk to Aubrey again, I'm a stubborn person so I doubt he would be in my good books again.

"Do you wanna explain something to me?" My grandma pointed at my stomach.

"You're gonna be a great grandma!" I said enthusiastically to make her smile.

"Where is the father? Who is the father? It's not soft ass Johnny is it?" My grandma was a real New Yorker, she didn't play that shit. She had been begging my mom since I was a kid to move out to New York, she wasn't Italian otherwise I would've been convinced she was in the Mafia, she was Brazilian.

"Don't you remember? The rapper?"

"Oh him, that's cool then, if he doesn't treat you right come to me, you know I'll sort it"

Later on during the day my mom was taking me to the hospital for a scan to find out whether the baby was a boy or girl, apart of me felt bad for not telling Aubrey but when I thought about all the shit I had put up with I figured I didn't really owe him anything like that.


I got a call from Kimberleys mom in the afternoon letting me know Kimberley's appointment had moved to two hours time, I was surprised she called me to tell me about it.

"Aubrey, I'm going against my daughters wishes by calling you but I don't think it's fair you don't get to go to the scan"

"Thank you, for real-"

"Don't make me regret it, I'll text you the details"

Chubbs and Ryan accompanied me to the hospital because they wanted to see how she was doing as well, they were the only ones that knew for sure she was pregnant. The rest of the crew suspected but didn't say anything yet, the whole point of the scan to find out the baby's gender was to tell everyone officially but because of how stubborn Kimberley was.

"What are you doing here?" Kimberley said to me as she looked up from talking to her mom.

"This is his kid too Kimberley, despite what you think, he cares" Ryan chimed in.

"I'm not saying it's not his kid or that he doesn't care, it's his actions say otherwise"

"Miss Roman? I'm ready for you" the doctor called her in.

Everyone sitting in the room together brought an awkward atmosphere.

"It says that your usual hospital is in Los Angeles, how come your appointment is in New York?" The doctor asked as she began putting the gel on Kimberley's stomach.

"My, uh, boyfriend is on tour so I have to get appointments at the available hospitals near by" she made eye contact with me.

"My first grandchild!" Kimberley's mom said when the baby came up on the screen, making everyone look at her weird because obviously Chase existed.

"Do you know what it is yet?" I asked the doctor, changing the subject.

"It's a...girl, a healthy little girl" the doctor smiled at Kimberley and I.

"Oh yes! I want my money, I told you" Ryan slapped Chubbs playfully on the back.

At the end of the appointment, I pulled Kimberley away from her mom to talk to her, the grey dress she had on a accentuated her growing figure, her bump was a lot bigger and so was her bump in the back.

"Kimberley, how can I fix this?" I held her hands.

"Tell me the truth, do you still love Rih?"


"So why did you do what you did? It doesn't make any sense, I was born at night, but not last night"

"It was the alcohol, I don't care about her like that anymore"

"I just wanna take care of you both" I rubbed her stomach

"I still think you're in love with her, but actions speak louder than words I guess"

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