Chapter 6

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Was I really about to lose it all for Aubrey?

"What am I gonna do?" I panicked.

"Leave him" Aubrey cupped my face.

"5 minutes left!" my Mom yelled from behind the door.

"You don't have time, you need to make a choice"

"It's now or never I guess" I nodded.

My hands began to tremble as my mom knocked the door once again.

"Aubrey, promise me this and I will end it now"


"You'll never ever, ever make me second best to any other woman"

"I promise" he kissed my forehead.

"Aubrey, I need you to go downstairs and sit with the guests or your mom and pretend you don't know anything"

He nodded and left, soon after my mom dragged me out the room.

"Come on, we need to make our way downstairs-"

"Mom, I need to go and see Johnny"

"No you can see-"

"MOM PLEASE, FOR ONCE LISTEN TO ME" I didn't usually yell at her, but she was being difficult.

"Okay, okay..." She moved out the way just as I ran down the hall to Johnny.

I walked in to see him at the mirror fixing his tie.

"It's bad luck to see the bride on the wedding day you know" he laughed.

"We need to talk"

"3 minutes before our wedding?" he looked at his watch.


"Can't this wait?" He sighed.

"No,it can't"

"What is it?"

"...I don't want to marry you"

"Don't say that"

"'s true"

"Why, I love you, you-"

"Exactly, you love me I LOVED you"

"This is because of that Drake guy"

"No it isn't, I'm sorry I just don't want this anymore" I sighed pulling the ring off my finger and taking the veil off.

"Please baby" Johnny got on his knees holding my legs. I pushed him off.

"Please don't make this harder than it already is"

Johnny stood up and faced me.

"Why am I not enough for you, you're're a"

"I'm a what?"

"A lying whore"

That was it, don't ever call me a whore, especially a lying one. I punched him in the face watching him hunch over holding his now bloody nose.

"I'm a lying whore and you're weak, blackmailing, two timing, fake, arrogant, ignorant, clingy and disgusting!"

"You can't deny you loved me" Johnny sat on the floor.

"Love is..well was blind" I smiled.

I left the room, walking back outside to see my mom with an O shaped mouth.

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