Chapter 30

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Kimberley agreed to come on the rest of the tour with me, although it hadn't been what she wanted I was hoping it would stop the arguing and immaturity. It was something my mom said that made me feel different about the situation.

"It's not about you two anymore, it's about the little girl or boy growing inside of her. At this point you don't need the stress and neither does she, you've only got a couple months until there's a life that will depend on both of you"

It was surreal to be knowing my life would be changing by the end of the year, a baby is a big deal meaning that I would have to take it genuinely serious.

"We're about to be parents, you know" I said to her.

"It feels so unreal, I'll be six months when this tour is over" she screwed up her face.

"I know, but it's just until June and then September, lil' man is here" I rubbed her stomach.

"Or girl, we don't know yet" she smirked and raised her eyebrow.

"Does your mom know?"

"Yeah, she's the one that made me go to the doctor. I knew already, but I told my mom I had food poisoning and she insisted on going, then the doctor snitched on me, so I had to tell her"

"Haaa, damn...well I told my mom"

"What did she say?"

"She's happy, she said we gotta sort any issues we have before it gets here"

"Ok, what issues do we have that we gotta sort?" She folded her arms.

"Firstly, you gotta unfold your arms so I can talk to you, because yo titties are all up in my view making me unable to concentrate" she and I laughed, then she unfolded her arms.

"Shut up" she stuck her tongue out.

"Alright, good...I just want you to stop being so jealous, every time I go out you think imma do some unfaithful shit"

"Because I know how you are when you're drunk, you turn into fuckin' Flavor Flav"

"And who are you when you're drunk? Pacquiao?"

"That won't be a problem for a while, will it?" she cupped her stomach, I hadn't noticed the sudden growth spurt it had developed until she did that.

"Obviously not, but I'm being serious"

"Ok, I'll work on it, you just gotta stop flirting and reject people then, I won't be jealous"

"I'll try-" I joked.

"Just to let you know, I've seen Snapped: Women Who Kill, so keep playing with me and you may just end up on that show" she grinned.

"I might kill you first, you never know"



I was excited for this baby, but in some ways I felt like it would hinder my career in some way. I had only just signed a deal a couple months ago, I'm not saying I wasn't grateful for this baby I just wish it was under different circumstances.

Either way, there wasn't any turning back and I didn't want to irregardless. Seeing how happy Aubrey was assured me that he would be there, I didn't think he was the deadbeat type obviously but I felt like the 'minor' car accident I got into was on purpose, I have really strong instinct.

The stalker incident from a while back had stopped nevertheless apart of me still felt uneasy.

Aubrey had a mini break just before the European leg of his tour, the tour brought in a lot of popularity for him, it had boomed significantly and he was starting to act out on it. At his Las Vegas concert he so boldly said “I might sing, but I ain’t no bitch. If Common got something to say, say it to my face.” which undoubtedly caused an uproar in the crowd.

That night he had booked a table for us at Villa Blanca in Beverly Hills. He had been showing me a whole lot of affection recently, he took a picture of me off guard to get my attention because I had kinda zoned out into my food.

"Lemme see!"  I suddenly snapped back.

"Oh, so you are on Earth?" He laughed and showed me.

"Ooo, that's it on instagram with a nice caption"

"Alright, check it" he chuckled.

Champagnepapi: Attention span of a goldfish

"Fuck you" I laughed.

"Why do you look so uneasy?" He glared at me from across the table.

"What are you talking about? I was just laughing with you"

"Yeah, I know you though"

"Do you? Do you really?" I joked.

"Just tell me what's up"

"Promise you won't be mad?"

"As long as you don't say the baby isn't mine, then we'll be fine"

"I- I bought a new car" I changed what I was going to say, I wasn't sure how to come out with it, out of fear of sounding crazy.

"Is that it? You had me worried and shit"

"Yeah I know, sorry"

"Crazy ass" he shook his head.

Ugh, if only he knew.

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