Chapter 22

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The next day I arranged for us to get massages at the spa, which was good because Kimberley needed to relax.

"I'll box the masseuse if it's a woman" she made a face.


"I don't want her touching you and ting" she laughed.

"You're gonna be next to me, you think she can ride me right it front of you?" I laughed.

"I hope she's not cute, I hope she looks like Fiona from Shrek" she laughed.

"I hope your's is actually is Shrek"

To Kimberley's pleasure the masseuse's were two tall women, a small and kinda chubby Puerto Rican woman and a tall, blonde European looking woman.

Once we had finished at the spa, we went back to the hotel. I would be heading back to LA in a couple days to settle into my new house, Kimberley and I still hadn't had a conversation about whether we were moving in together or not.

"I thought your friend Tiffany was coming to Miami?"

"She was meant to, but her flight delayed till midnight, then got cancelled because of the snow in New York and the next one won't be until we leave"

"That's a shame, but at least I have you to myself" I grinned.


"I got a question"

"Ask it"

"We we get back to LA are you moving it with me?"

"Only if you want me to"

"I do"

"Good" she smiled and kissed me.

Her phone began vibrating against the counter, it was like we both knew who it was because she looked at me then looked at the phone.

"Who is it?"


"Nobody's calling you?"

"It's nobody important, just leave it"

"It's him, isn't it?"

"What's the big deal even if it is?"

"The big deal is you're hiding something"

"I'm not!"

"So answer it!"



I didn't want to answer him because I knew an argument would start, it wasn't like I had done anything wrong.


Aubrey's demeanour changed, I could tell he was really annoyed.

"Can you stop acting like this" I rolled my eyes.

"If it was me doing some shit like this, you'd be over here screaming"

"Okay! Since there's a problem, answer the phone for me! Answer it!" I threw him my phone.

"Nah! I want you to answer it"

"It's stopped ringing now anyway!"

"Whatever" he kissed his teeth and left the hotel room.

It pissed me off how he was acting, when we were good, we were really good...when we were bad...Lawd we were bad.


I was mainly annoyed because it seemed like she was hiding something, plus if it was me all hell would break loose so of course I had to react like that.

I just stepped outside of the hotel room for a little to calm down, when I came back in Kimberley was still sitting where I had left her.

"Do you wanna go to the beach?" She looked up at me.


"Because I wanna go"

"So go" I said in an angry tone, she was clearly shocked by how I responded.

"Whatever" she stuck her middle finger up.

"Who are you gonna go with?"

"Don't worry who I'm going with, stay here and sulk"


Of course I was being a bitch in return, he was acting like a typical man, well boy.

"I'm not gonna let you go by yourself?"

"Now you care?"

"Yo, stop being like that"

"Hmph.." I folded my arms like an impatient toddler.

"I don't wanna go now" I looked up.

"Where do you wanna go then"

"I-" my brother calling me interrupted what I was gonna say.

"Nathan" I answered.

"Yo, sis guess what?"


"That cyattie is still at the house" he was talking about Alisha.



"Why though, she's on some fuckery"

"That's what I'm saying, dad talking bout' she's bonding with him"

"He wants to bond with her, but not me or you?"

"That's what I'm saying!" My brother had the typical Toronto slang.

"What's mom doing?"

"Being a doormat as usual, anyway I'm flying out to LA next week so imma come stay with you"

"Why though?"

"Vacation and ting"


"I gotta go, call you later"

"Bye" I hung up.


"Was that your brother?" I asked.

"Yeah, he was telling me about Alisha"

"Oh, your sister"

"Shut up" She laughed.

"What's she doing?"

"She's still at my parents house, bonding with my dad apparently"

"She probably just wants to spend time with her dad"

"I don't care what she wants, I don't want her there"

"That's not really fair though, what if it was you?"

"My dad is acting like she's his first born or some shit"

"You mean he's acting like Ethan didn't die"

"Yeah" she grew more uncomfortable.

Her brother was definitely a topic she couldn't handle talking about, but that was typical Kimberley. She ran away from her problems instead of facing up to them.

"I'm sure it's hard for them as well"

"They don't act like it, but anyway lets go to the beach"

"I thought you didn't want to go"

"Now I do, I wanna walk along the beach"

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