Chapter 13

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Kimberley's P.O.V:

Keeping the baby a secret from Aubrey was one of the worst things I've ever done, second worst if leaving someone at the alter counts.

I stayed with Aubrey that night. He was shirtless and I rested my head on his chest and was in one of his t-shirts.

"You know I love you right?" He blurted out.

"I know, I love you too"

"Do you parents know I got you pregnant?"

"No, I didn't tell them"

"It kinda breaks my heart knowing you had to go through that alone"

"I think it made me stronger, I never really experienced things on my own, I always had other people to help me"

"I should've been there to help you, it was my fault it happened"

"Alcohol and hormones is one hell of mix"

We both laughed.

"True, but even though I was young, I think I would've been a good father"

"Yeah you would've...speaking of fathers, have you spoken to Dennis recently?"

"Let's not talk about that man right now" Aubrey sucked his teeth.

"Why? I thought you guys were all good now"

"I told him to stop talking to the media, he's still doing it"

"He's just proud of you" I sat up.

"That shit is disrespectful to me, talking about taking me to Appleville and playing the piano to me, what about those weekends he would promise me he was coming to see me and just leave me waiting when I was like seven? He should talk about that"

"I get it baby, I really do, but I don't think you should just completely ignore him, I think he's just overwhelmed and proud"

"Everyone is defending him"

"I'm not defending him, I just think that you should at least be on speaking terms with him considering he is your only father and he does seem to love you"

"What about you and your father? From what I heard you barely speak to him"

"We do speak, I don't forgive him but I get that's what he thought was his best intentions at the time, which is probably what your dad thought too"

"You always gotta be right"

"I know" I smiled.

Conversations like that with Aubrey made me feel nostalgic, it reminded me of the times when he and I would sneak out of our houses to meet each other at this weird hideout we had,or the time we took turns smoking weed out of a bong.

I initially leaned in to peck him on the lips but it became more passionate than that. Lets just say we didn't go to sleep for a while.

Aubrey's P.O.V:

The next morning I awoke to the sound of Kimberley singing in the bathroom. I walked in behind her putting my hands around her waist.

"Good Morning" she turned around to face me.

"Indeed" I kissed her.

"Why are you in such a good mood?" she smirked.

"I never realised how thick you were getting"

"There's me thinking you were going to be romantic or some shit like that" she laughed.

"You know me, I'm romantic at unexpected times"

"Whatever, what are you doing today"



"That's it, what are YOU doing?"

"It's a secret"

Once Kimberley had left later on in the day, I headed over to the studio to meet 40 and Niko.

"You know you got the headlines video to do tomorrow"

"Oh shit that's tomorrow?" I rubbed my head.

"Yeah it's got to premiere on the is the nineteeth" 40 side eyed Aubrey.

"What time?"

"Don't worry, I will have someone come and wake you up"

"So I'm in the military now?"

"Might as well be considering how whipped you are on Kimberley"

"I'm not ashamed to say it"

"You really love her huh?" Niko smirked.

"Mhmm" I nodded sitting back in my chair.

Kimberley's P.O.V:

Tiffany sat opposite me in silence, she had a look of guilt on her face.


"Kimberley, I'm sorry"

"For what?" I played along.

"For telling Aubrey y'all shouldn't be together, I just don't wanna see you hurt"

"I know, it's not really your place to say. Thanks for being concerned because I do appreciate it, but next time just come and talk to me"

"Alright I will, just know that I'm sorry...and this is probably the last time you will hear me say sorry"

"Sorry not really your thing?" I laughed.

"Damn right, I hate that word" she smirked

© 2011 by John Doe. All rights reserved.

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