Chapter 2

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I did eventually see Aubrey again, about two days later. We drove around Toronto for a long time (and it was cold as SHIT), but he was driving a Bentley Continental SuperSports Convertible so that helps.

"Toronto weather is so bipolar bro" I laughed pushing my hair out of my face.

"I know, it's not exactly the best idea to be driving around in this" he laughed

"I've been here almost 23 years and still have no winter clothes"

"You used to be a tomboy, remember sneakers all the time"

"Sneakers were my life, well converse sneakers"

"So you don't wear them now?" he smirked, he was one of those people that drove with one hand on the steering wheel and one hand free. Weird that I noticed, I know I study body language.

"Yes I do, but forget me let's talk about you Mr Rapper!"

"What do you want to know?"

"What's it like living away from home and stuff"

"It's pretty cool to be honest, but you just have to have support. But you work at a magazine, so you are kinda in the spotlight"

"Yeah,but doing it from a different country is easier, I don't have to go to events or be nice to people"

"That's the Kimberly I remember"

"And what exactly do you remember Jimmy Brooks" I laughed covering my mouth.

"I remember you sneaking into one of my friends parties when you were 15 and I was 17, your ass got drunk and I had to take you home"

"I don't know why you're surprised, that party was dead..your friends were losers dude"

"Says you Mrs cheerleader"

"Don't hate because I was cool"

"And aggressive" he muttered

"Hmm, okay remember when I was like eight and you were ten and it was soccer practice outside in the rain and you pushed me in the mud and made me cry"

"I didn't push you, you slipped"

"On your foot?"

We both burst out laughing, we must've looked like idiots. I regret not keeping in contact with him to be fair, he's cool.

Our laughing session was interrupted by my phone, who was calling..that idiot Johnny. I was going to break up with him, but he's done a lot for me..and he'd technically proposed to me, of course I've said no but the next time I can't guarantee I will.

"Hello" I rolled my eyes.

"Hey baby" Johnny responded. His voice made me sick.

"What's the deal?"

"With what?"

"You, randomly calling me"

"I missed you"

"Aw" I said falsely.

"I have to go now, but I love you"

"You too" I hung up and sighed.

Aubrey looked away from the road and saw my annoyed face.

"Who was that" He gritted his teeth.

"My boyfriend" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh..I never knew you had a boyfriend"


"Why is it unfortunate?"

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