Chapter 5

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Kimberley's P.O.V:

Stephen was taking me for drinks and dinner, I was getting married tomorrow afternoon. I had other friends but Stephen was my most trusted.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Stephen nudged me.

"Eh.." I shrugged twirling my straw around.

"Kimmi, why are you doing this? You don't have to prove a point to Aubrey"

"I'm not doing this to prove a point"

"But you don't love Johnny"

"Aubrey doesn't love me"

"He does! Just call off the wedding"

"Stephen no, can I just eat my steak please"

"Alright, whatever just remember I will always support you"

"Thanks Stephen"

I looked at the ring and sighed. After we had dinner I noticed a rose and a note attached to my car window. The note was pretty vague, I knew it was Aubrey though.

I picked up the note and scrunched it up in a ball.

"Oh so you just gon' do me like that?" Aubrey popped out of the darkness.

"Woah, you scared me" I held the rose in my other hand.

"Whats your deal though Kimberly?" Aubrey folded his arms.

"My deal is you've made me fall in love with you!" I yelled at him, but my expression then changed when I realised what I had said.

"You love me huh?" he smirked.


"But that's what you just said"

"I do, but it doesn't matter"


"Because I'm getting married tomorrow"

"You don't have to" he moved closer to me, pushing me up against the car and pressing his body against mine, he moved his lips close to mine.

"Aubrey, stop"

"What do you want? You said you love me, but you're still hot and cold" he stepped back.

"Because I don't wanna get hurt"

"But you're hurting someone else"

He was right, I was hurting Johnny by cheating on him and pretending to love him.

"Let me worry about that"

I'm sure I drank too much because after that sentence I was a bit tipsy and Aubrey took me home. Johnny followed the tradition that the groom shouldn't see the wife a week before the wedding.

Aubrey's P.O.V:

I'm not sure how an argument led to me holding her hair back whilst she threw up, most guys would find that shit is but still.

"Aubrey tell me I'm pretty" She held her head up.

"You're beautiful" I laughed.

She began hurling once again, This time louder. Being the gentleman I am, after I put her to bed I used her phone to call one of her friends Stephen. All I did was tell him about her being sick, I left before he arrived.

Tomorrow she was getting married and that was it, I couldn't do anything to stop it.

Kimberly's P.O.V:

I awoke to Stephen peering over me at 9:00am.

"Kimberly!" he yelled, tapping his foot.

"What" I groaned.

"You're getting married today" he smiled.

"Oh yeah" I rolled my eyes.

"The hair and make up people will be here at 9:30 so you need to go shower...and brush your teeth, you smell like Hennessy"

"How did I even end up at home?"


"So how did you get here?"

"He called me"

"Oh" I laughed.

Then remembered what had happened last night. This is a mess.

"You don't wanna do this do you?" Stephen put his hand on my shoulder.


"So don't"

"I kinda don't have a choice"

"What do you mean"

"Remember a few years ago I had an argument with my parents and I went off to school?"


"I didn't have enough money to pay for my tuition fees...So I met Johnny and he agreed to pay for my fees if I went on a date with him, I did and then he kept paying even after I got my job and had enough money"

"So I'm're gonna marry him because you feel like you owe him?"

"Basically yes"

"Don't do that!"

"I might as well, the day is here now"

"You make it sound like it's an easy thing, you're meant to be getting married"

"Stephen, please just get ready"

Even after the bridesmaids and everyone arrived at the house, even when I had my dress on I was still thinking about Aubrey.

I had a fishtail white wedding dress and my hair was in a high bun with the veil flowing down.

We drove to the hotel the wedding was going to be kept in and I went up to the room Johnny had booked for me.

"45 minutes to go before it's time to go down" my mom walked in.

"Oh my gosh, you look beautiful" she hugged me.

'Thanks mom" I smiled pushing her blonde hair out of my face.


Time just got shorter.

The 45 turned into 30.

The 30 turned into 25.

The door knocked and my mom smiled to me.

"Look who's here" She stood back letting Aubrey walk in.

"Hey Kimberly" he smiled.

"Mom can I talk to Aubrey in private please?"

"But honey-"

"PLEASE" I gritted my teeth.

She nodded and left closing the door tightly behind her.

"What are you doing here?" I looked up at him.

Aubrey's P.O.V:

"What are you doing here?" she looked up at me with those big green eyes.

"What am I doing here? I'm here for your wedding"

"No the real reason"

"To tell you I love you"

"Like you loved Catya, like you loved all those others?"

"No, I love you more than anyone that I've ever met"

She let out a laugh and smile.

"I-I love you too"

"So what do you say, skip your wedding" I laughed holding her hand.


© 2011 by John Doe. All rights reserved.

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