Chapter 33 (Part 1 Finale)

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A day before my due date Aubrey had to fly to New York for the Video Music Awards, it was irritating yet terrifying because anything could happen. He would be back as soon as the awards were over which was the good thing.

Of course he didn't leave me alone, his mom and mine were pretty much by my side 24/7; also the OVO crew that didn't go along with him (Ryan and OB) stayed close by.

"You guys can leave if you want, I'll be fine" I said to my mom and Sandi.

"Are you sure?" Sandi looked at me.

"Yeah, if anything happens I'll call you guys"

"Alright, we'll should probably have a nap, just in case" my mom hugged me.

"Mom, it's 4pm" I laughed.

"When the baby is here you'll barely get one hour of sleep so cherish" Sandi laughed.

As soon as they left I got ready and went to downtown Toronto to get my nails done along with some other stuff, my doctor had told me to try and stay at home just incase but I was driving so if I did go into labour I could drive myself to the hospital.

When I was finished it was around 7 ish and starting to get dark, that's when I knew for sure I had to take my ass home.

Approaching my car I could see a figure stood in front of it, as I got closer I realised who it was.


"Hello Kimberley" he turned to me, suddenly I felt very frightened but was trying to keep my calm.

"Hi" I gulped hard and walked around to the driver side of the car trying to open it.

"Let's go for a little trip" he grabbed me roughly and pulled me into his blacked out BMW parked directly in front of mine.

"Get off me, what are you doing?!" I yelled.

He stared at me in silence, I could tell he was out of his mind, his pupils were dilated to the size of footballs. My heart began to beat fast, I had never been so afraid in my life.

"Keep talking and I'll hurt you, I'm in charge now"

He began driving for about 25 minutes until we arrived at the house we used to share together. He pulled me out of the car and pushed me inside.

"Sit on the floor there" he pointed to the bottom of the stairs.

"No" I thought being stern would overpower him in some way...

But I was wrong.

He got close into my face and gripped it "I said, sit down" he gave me a death stare, once I had sat down he pulled out duct tape and taped one of my arms to the stair railing.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I screamed as loud as I could to get people outside's attention. My nosy neighbours would've come in handy right now.



I could feel there was something wrong, I just knew, not to mention Kimberley always called me to see if I was okay or something like that.

I immediately rushed to the airport, I felt guilty because I shouldn't have left her. I called my mom to try and get some information.

"Mom, have you heard from Kimberley? Are you still with her?"

"I haven't, I was just about to go and see if she's okay, why are you so panicked?"

"I feel like she's in trouble, I shouldn't have left her"

"Don't say that honey, we'll find her and she'll be okay, I promise, I'm going to call her mom and see if she knows anything"

"Alright mom, love you"

"Love you too"

I kept calling Kimberley to see if she would answer, each time it went to voicemail.

Chubbs gave me a confused look each time I hung up and rang her again.

"What's the issue?"

"Kimberley, something is up with her"

"Do you think she's in labour?"

"More than that, I think she's in trouble"

"You might be wrong, just stay calm till we get back"

"Imma call Ryan and OB, it'll be easier to get an update then"

"The flight is only 1 hour, we'll be there soon"

I called OB but his phone was switched off as usual, luckily Ryan picked up.

"What's up?" He answered.

"Have you seen or heard from Kimberley?"

"Not since earlier when I left her at home, why what's wrong?"

"She's not answering her phone, I can tell something is wrong dawg"

"Now that you say it, I can feel it too, don't worry I'll go looking for her"

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