Chapter 27

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It hadn't struck me how serious Aubrey and I had gotten, a year ago if you had told me I would be living in LA and in a new relationship wouldn't have believed it.

I felt guilty because yesterday was the lingerie shoot and I still hadn't told him anything about it.

Valentines day, well February 13th was really romantic. It had to the 13th because Aubrey was leaving early on the 14th for the first tour date, it was so weird knowing we'd be apart for a couple months considering we'd been practically joint at the hip for a while.

"I'm tryna do things for you, regular niggas can't" he said to me once we got home making me smile at him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't take you oversees or some shit, it's just all this tour business"

"I'm really not bothered, I'm with you, that's all I really care about" I smiled.

"You really love the boy huh?" He grinned arrogantly.

"Unfortunately" I joked and pressed my lips against his.

"I want you to listen to something, it's actually for you" he took out his laptop and set it up in front of us.

He clicked on a file saved as "Kimberley", I was kinda confused at first but once the beat started I realised it was a song for me. I could feel his eyes fixated on me, watching my reaction to every verse and beat change.


"Baby, this is dope" she smiled at me and virtually jumped on my lap.

I could tell she genuinely liked it because both her dimples showed when she smiled, that was my intention. Gifts are cool, but small things really make an impact.

"I'm guessing you like it?" I laughed and placed my hand on her thigh.

"Are you crazy, I love it" she planted kisses all over my face.


"You wanna end Valentines day the right way?" She smirked and bit her lip.

"I sure do" I gripped her thigh and kissed her.

I released my grip on her thigh and ran my hand down to her pussy, rubbing the lips slowly, then slid my finger down her opening. I watched as her eyes became filled with pure ecstasy, she let out a small moan making me groan as she started moving her hips and her walls clenched around my fingers.

"" she let slip out.

I thrust my hips forward, driving deep inside of her. She moaned again and placed her hand on my shoulder for support. She kissed along my neck and chest leaving a bite mark on my collarbone.


Two days after Aubrey left for the tour I awoke early in morning due to the sound my phone was making vibrating against the nightstand.

I finally woke myself up properly and checked my phone to see I had 8 missed calls from my dad, 5 from my brother, 3 from my mom.

I called my mom back first to see what was happening, clearly there was an emergency or something.

"Hello, I've been calling you why haven't you been answering?" My mom yelled down the phone.

"Mom, I love you but it's 6 am and you yelling down the phone is gonna aggravate me, what happened?"

"I forgot the time difference my principessa, it's just your grandad is in the hospital" Principessa means princess in Italian, which was something she called me occasionally.

"The hospital?! For what?!"

"We're not sure, is there anyway you could head over here?"

"Of course I can, I'll be there as soon as I can"

My grandfather was my second father, so of course my worries would be at an all time high.

Once I finally got a flight for the afternoon so I could head to Toronto, I was going to call Aubrey and let him know I would be going to Toronto but because of the time difference I figured it was best to let him rest. I texted him before I boarded the plane instead to let him know what was going on.


"Morning or whenever your lazy ass sees this, I'm going to T.O. for a week so if you call me and can't get me you'll know I'm either on the plane or sleeping or both lol. Love you Xo"

That was the text I had woken up to from Kimberley, By time I had woken up she had landed in Toronto. I was about to text her back, but got distracted because of a mediatakeout headline.


When I clicked on it, pictures of her in white lingerie popped up on the screen. I was glad Kimberley had her own career but this was some hoe shit in my eyes, I screenshot a picture and sent to her; she called me almost instantly.

"Where did you get that?"

"Media Take Out"


"Yeah oh, what kind of hoe shit is that?"

"I'm really not in the mood to argue, you call it hoe shit when it's me even though you dated a stripper? She pops pussy on niggas for a living but I'm the one doing hoe shit?"

"The difference is I didn't see a future with her and I, I see one with you I don't want niggas to be like, oh drizzy I see your girl doing this and I see your girl doing that, it's not cool, it's fucked"

"I gotta go, if you have anymore stupid things to say to me, then text me" she hung up.


When Aubrey and I had that mini argument I was actually outside of my grandfathers hospital room, when I walked back in everyone including my grandfather laying on the bed was looking at me.

"A what di bwoy do now?" My grandfather looked up at me referring to Aubrey.

"Uh, nothing- what is she doing here?" I was cut off because of Alisha's entrance.

"It's her grandfather too" my dad as usual jumped to her defence.

"I just wanted to see how he is, I don't really care what you guys think-"

"We're not starting this shit again, honestly it's like you feed off of arguments" my brother rolled his eyes at my father and Alisha.

"He's right, I only care about grandaddy right now" I sat at the chair next to his bed.

"You shouldn't have brought her here, you know what problems it would've caused" my mom chirped in.

"You cyah play sailor and fraida powder" my grandfather shook his head at my dad, he was telling my father to take responsibility of his actions.

"For someone meant to be ill, you're still full of the Trini quotes" my brother laughed.

"Of course bwoy, Trini to di bone!" My grandfather yelled making everyone laugh.

About an hour later the doctor walked in holding my grandfather's medical file, there was a slight worried look on her face which made me feel worried.

"Is everything okay? Can we take him home?" I said.

"Not today, your grandfather had a cardiac syncope"

"In English, please" my mom looked on in confusion.

"That's what caused him to faint, he has a significant decrease in blood flow to the brain, his blood pressure is also very low"

"I feel fine" my grandfather whined.

"It doesn't matter how you feel, you could be seriously ill" Alisha smiled at him.

I really wanted to knock her out, but then I remembered the reason I was here and also jetlag was a bitch so even keeping my eyes open was a hard task.

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