Chapter 25

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My brother arrived from Toronto the next morning, meaning I had to go get him from the airport at 10 am when I could've been getting some extra sleep but whatever.

"Wussup sis?" He said sleepily getting into the car.

"You look higher than a kite" I laughed.

"You already know the ting, mans always got the blunt" he laughed.

"You and Aubrey are the same, I swear" I started driving off.

"Anyway, I spoke to dad before I left-"


"Just listen, he said he'd convince Alisha to drop the charges-"


"But, you gotta agree to go to counselling for your anger"

"I'm not doing it"

"Kim, you know I love you but you gotta sort this"

"I hate her though, I don't want a couple months down the line she's like 'it's because of me you didn't go to jail' so..."

"A wise man once told me, you are worth more than whoever did you wrong"

"What wise man?"

"I don't know, the crackhead that's always outside of the mall"

"Right..." I laughed.

My brother always had these quotes and advice on hand whenever I needed him, we hadn't gotten along that well when we were younger but in some ways the death of our older brother brought us together.

When we got back to the house Aubrey had only just woken up, no surprise there. But of course being the amazing girlfriend I am I made him breakfast.

"I gotta tell you something" Aubrey looked at me from across the table.

"Go on" I glared at him.

"So, I'm performing at the NBA all star"

"That's really good, but cut to the chase nigga"

"But I'm performing with Rihanna"

"Oh, so she's gonna be wining up all on you and ting"

"No, I'm not gonna let that happen I swear"

"I promise you, if you do any foul shit, I will do the same back to you"

"Like what?"

"Oh trust me, you don't wanna know" I smiled reassuringly at him.

"Crazy ass..." he muttered.


Kimberley went to a meeting with her agent so I was just chilling with her brother Nathan and playing basketball.

"You still shit at this game I see" I laughed.

"Nah, I'm still the man" he laughed.

"Yeah sure"

"I hope you treating my sister right"

"It's your sister treating me bad" I laughed.

"She loves you for real, I haven't seen her like this before"

"You already know I love her so I don't even gotta explain"

"That's good to hear" he shook my hand firmly.

"What about you, Kimberley thinks you're out here looking for a girl"

"I already got one"


"Let me show you" he took out his phone, when he pulled up the girls image to my surprise it was Tiffany, Kimberley's friend.

"Oh shit, Tiffany"

"You know her?"

"Something like that".


After the meeting with my agent I had decided I would accept my dad's offer, it was better to take it than risk jail time or community service.

Plus I had a few modelling gigs coming up and an assault charge isn't the best or the easiest thing to explain.

When I got home Aubrey and my brother were outside playing basketball.

"What are you guys doing out here?"

"We're coming inside now your highness" my brother replied.

"I don't really care if you stay out here, I want Aubrey to come inside though" I laughed.

"I wanna come inside too" Aubrey smirked and put his hands around my hips.

"Before you guys go inside and do whatever, do you wanna go to dinner later with me and my g- friend" my brother made an awkward face.

"I'm kinda tired" I fake yawned.

"Let's go, it'll be...entertaining" Aubrey laughed.

"Ugh, okay"

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