Chapter 4

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Kimberley's P.O.V:

Two months later and Aubrey still hadn't told me how he felt. We didn't speak after that kiss, all that happened was Johnny invited him to our engagement party AND wedding. He's was in L.A. so I doubted he'd come...well I hoped he didn't.

I wasn't even excited to get married, was that crazy? My mom could tell I was unhappy, everyone could tell I was unhappy, even those who weren't my friends.

The engagement party was at Johnny's moms house, I sat at my makeup table back at my house sighing.

"Kimmi!" Stephen knocked on my door.

"Stephen" I looked up.

"You're late for your own party"

"Can I say I'm ill and not go?"

"You can't flake on your own party"

"I can-"

"But you won't"

"How late am I" I groaned.

Stephen looked at his watch then back at me.

"forty five minutes late" he laughed.

"Well, we can just say I was being fashionably late"

"Perfect excuse" he rolled his eyes

My main goal at the party was to get as wasted as possible, just to avoid any conversation involving the wedding, babies and most importantly moving to L.A.

All Johnny had spoken about since we'd gotten engaged was children, I didn't want children...especially with him.

You know who is even more annoying than Johnny? His family, I just nodded at every question. I guess I was fine, until I saw Aubrey he looked so cute, and a bit muscular too. But he was here with some chick, the girl from the Find Your Love music video, Maliah I think, I'm not the type to pay attention to irrelevant people.

That's when my alcohol intake took a slight "U turn" I pretty sure I downed champagne faster than you could say go, Aubrey approached me with a drink in his hand.

"So you're just gonna ignore me ALL night?" he raised his eyebrows letting out a slight chuckle.

"I'm not ignoring you, I didn't see you" I rolled my eyes.

"Sure" he laughed.

"Why are you watching me, shouldn't you be with your date?"

"Why do you care? Are you jealous?"

"Of course, I'm so jealous of a stripper" I laughed sarcastically.

"Sarcasm won't help the fact that you're jealous" he held my hand.

I grabbed it away and pulled him into an upstairs bedroom.

"Aubrey you need to stop" I poked him in the chest.

"No, YOU need to stop" he poked me back.

"Stop what?"

"This! You and I both know you're in this relationship because you feel like you can't do any better"

"Did you ever consider that maybe I love him?"

"Did you ever consider that I'm not an idiot"

"Well..have you seen your choice in goldiggers, I mean women"

"If we're talking about types let's look at your fiancee"

"Aubrey, we can't keep doing this"

"Doing what?" He scrunched up his eyebrows.

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