Chapter 16

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I mean I guess Tiffany was right, he did think with his instinct, maybe his instinct was wrong to me but right to him?

I didn't know, but I knew I didn't want to be in a relationship. I needed to be on my own to find myself outside a relationship, especially one as toxic as this.

"So what are you going to do?"

"Nothing, I want to go back to being friends"

"You can't be friends with someone you've had sex with"

"I can"

"Kimberley..." she sighed.

"You can be friends with someone that you left your fiancé for?"

"Don't remind me, I don't wanna remember that"

"If you're going to end it with Aubrey, you need to cut all ties with him off"

"I can't do that"


"I just can't"

"What are you hiding?"


"Why is it so difficult for you to cut him off, but it was easy with Johnny who was your fiancée"

"Because I was never going to have his baby!" I lashed out at her.

"What baby?" Tiffany lowered her voice.

"My baby"

"When were you and Aubrey going to have a baby"

"When I was 17, he and I messed around, things happened"

"I'm sorry" she pulled me into a warm embrace.

"I'm sorry for lashing out, it's just a touchy subject"

"I know what you mean, I kinda went through the same thing about a year ago"

In many ways Tiffany and I were similar, you wouldn't know a lot of things she's been through looking at her. We had a pretty depressing conversation, I learnt things about her that I didn't know.

At about 11pm, thats where things went wrong for she and I, A$AP Rocky invited me to a party at club elevate in downtown L.A. and I had the tendency to drink away my problems which is exactly what I did.

I got ready at my house and drove to Tiffany's to pick her up so we could go, the club was packed and we saw Rocky who called us to his section.

"I didn't think you were gonna come" he spoke in my ear.

"I don't miss parties"

"Good to know" he smirked.

It would've been a good nice if I hadn't seen Alisha, it would've been even better if I hadn't lost count if how many drinks I had consumed, I'm pretty sure my legs were numb.

"What's that bitch doing here?" I slurred to Rocky and Tiffany.

"Only God knows" Rocky laughed.

"Who's that" Tiffany looked puzzled.

"That's Aubrey's little hoe, if he's gonna get a one at least make sure she doesn't look like me!"

"Let's go see what that bitch gotta say"


Bad idea, 1 hour later we ended up in jail.

Yes, jail.


I was arrested for assault and vandalism, and Tiffany was arrested for assault and resisting arrest.

At least our mugshots looked cute, I was smiling in mine.

Oh but to make matters worse, Alisha was arrested as well, and put in the same jail cell as Tiffany and I.

But I guess that's LAPD for you.

Tiffany got let out earlier in the morning, but she wasn't allowed to drive because of the level of her alcohol intake. She ended up calling Leah to get us.


I didn't hear from Kimberley that night, but I did hear about her from OB.

"Dawg, guess who got arrested yesterday"

"I don't know, you?"

"No, Kimberley"


"Look it's on TMZ"

"It's probably fake"

"No, they have her mugshot, she got arrested for assault..."

"Let me see" I looked on his phone screen, that was definitely Kimberley she was smirking in the mug shot which made it funnier.

"That girl is crazy" OB laughed.

"I know- maybe I should go see her"

When OB and I drove to see her, she opened the door and looked at us.

"What are you guys doing here"

"We came to see if you're okay"

"My head feels like a ton of bricks and my hand is cut from smashing a bathroom mirror, my boyfriend cheated on me with a stripper who's ass I beat last night, but apart from that I'm peachy" she said sarcastically.

"We need to talk"

"Can't it wait"


She still had on the dress from the previous night before but pulled her hair into a ponytail.

"You look b-a-d" OB sat down.

"You're lucky I'm hungover or I would-"

"I wanna sort this out" I interrupted.

"So do I, but I feel like we should just be friends"

"Why, I thought this is want you wanted"

"It is, but sometimes what you want isn't what's best for you, I'm kinda over this"

"Over what? Me? You will never be over me"

"You're so arrogant, what do you mean I will never be over you? You will never be over me"

"You're so sexy when you're mad" I cupped her face.

"Stop" she pulled away "I'm serious, I just wanna be friends like we were before"

"You know damn well we'll never be friends like that again"

"There's something called trying Aubrey"

"There's also something called denial, which is what you're in"

"Im in denial?"

"Yes" OB chimed in.

"Whatever, anything else you've come to call me out on?" She looked at me,

"I'm not calling you out on something everyone knows"

"Okay, I'm wrong, you're right, happy?"

© 2011 by John Doe. All rights reserved.

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