Chapter 18

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I cancelled my plan to go to supper club because I wasn't feeling in the mood anymore, I ended up heading to the studio and writing some songs.

"What made you change your mind?" OB asked.

"I just wasn't feeling it anymore"

"You're allowed to say you fucked up"

"I know I fucked up, I can't do anything else"

"You need to call her, text her something"

"She's stubborn, she won't say anything even if she knows it's true"

"When you leave it, someone else is going to take your place. Just like you can find someone to take hers"

He wasn't lying, but if she needed to move on then she would, with or without me.

"I know that"

"Plus, today's Christmas Eve Eve what do you wanna go partying for?"

"Christmas Eve Eve? Really?" I laughed.

"Are you heading back home?"

"Probably not, Toronto is not the place right now"

"Yeah, yeah" he rolled his eyes.

Kimberley's P.O.V:

I sat downstairs with my grandfather, he and I were quite close.

"When are you going to tek this blonde out your hair?" He flicked my hair.

"Don't you like it?" I laughed.

"No, you look better with dark hair"

"I'm gonna take it out today then" I laughed.

Before he could reply I heard the doorbell ring, my grandfather signalled me to go and get it.

It was my aunt Gia, she hugged me and came and sat down on the couch with my grandfather and I.

"Long time no see" she laughed.

"I know, how's London?"

"It's good actually, I'm glad I decided to open up my salon there"

"Speaking of salon, do you think you could do my hair for me? I need to speak to you as well" I made a face at her.

"Of course my favourite niece" she laughed.

"Thank di Lawd" I heard my grandfather mutter.

My aunt dragged me to the bathroom and began applying due my hair.

"What did you want to speak to me about?"


"What has he done now?"

"He cheated on me, but I want him back"

"So take him back, no one would judge you it's your life"

"Don't I sound like a fool though, taking back a guy that cheated on me?"

"Maybe you're just a fool in love"

"I want us to just start a fresh, no baggage no, nothing"

"Does he know that?"


"Exactly, but there's one thing you need to and respect are toe different things"


"He loves you, but he might not respect you, think about that"

"Even when he's not around me he's still practically with me"

"Why is that?"

"I got a tattoo of his name"

"What?!" She sounded like she was about to pass out.

"It was a heat of the moment thing, he has one too"

"Mhm, don't let your father find out. The fact that you got arrested makes him want to pull his hair out"

"Annoying him brings me so much joy"

"It's time for you to sit down and talk to him, you guys can't continue like this for the rest of your lives. You only have one dad, you won't get another"

What she said was true, I did do petty things to anger or annoy my dad, which was wrong.

About two hours later my hair was finished, I wasn't used to the dark hair as much but I did like it.

"Thanks Aunt Gia" I hugged her.


"Get packing" I walked into OB's room.

"I thought Toronto wasn't the place right now"

"Shut up and pack"

I was going to see my mom, and hopefully Kimberley.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, it was a text from my ex Nebby.

"You spending New Years in TO?"

"No, L.A."

"Oh, I missed you that's why I asked"

"Hmm lol. I'm in TO tomorrow, come see me"

I wasn't in the wrong, I'm technically single until Kimberley and I reunited.

I had a plan to win her back, there was a song I wanted her to hear. It wasn't going on an album or anything, it was especially for her.

OB, Ryan and I caught our flights to Toronto, my mind was stuck in between seeing Nebby, or seeing Kimberley.

I scrolled through pictures on my phone and came across the photo I had taken of Kimberley's tattoo. A little grin appeared on my face...

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