Chapter 35 (Final Chapter)

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As soon as we pulled up I hopped out the car and kicked the door down, Johnny was stood there staring at Kimberley who was evidently hurting. Kimberley was sat with one of her hands tied up cowering with fear and pain.

I completely ignore Johnny, which I shouldn't have but at the moment in time all I could focus on was the love of my life on the floor helplessly.

"What did he do baby? What's wrong?" I held her face to mine, she flinched when I touched her face which made me move my hands to see the red finger marks in her cheeks.

"Hold on baby"

I walked up to Johnny who was still staring and punched him in the face causing him to fall backwards, I continued to punch him, I used my foot to hold his throat to the floor.

"You're lucky that these are the circumstances at the moment, anytime I catch you off guard, I promise you, you'll wish you hadn't done this" I shook my head and him and went back to Kimberley.

"That was quick" Chubbs said looking at Johnny on the floor.

"You work quick" Niko laughed.


"What's wrong? Is it the baby?" I put my focus back on Kimberley.

"My...water broke" she let out.

"Shit" Chubbs and Niko said in unison.

"Niko, I need you to go to the condo and get Kimberley's hospital bag and Chubbs I need you to call my mom and Kimberley's to let them know what's going on, just say she's in labour don't say anything else"

They both gave me the thumbs up, I picked up Kimberley bridal style and put her in the back seats of the car to lay down while I drove to the hospital.

"It's going to be fine, don't worry" I said, I don't know if I was trying to convince her or myself.

By time we got to the hospital Kimberley's contractions were closer together, that meant she was closer to having the baby and our moms were on their way to the hospital.

"I love you to death" I kissed her forehead.

"I love you more than words can describe, thank you" she held my hand.

"Kimberley, how are you?" The doctor walked in.

"I'm cool, I just have a 6 pound baby coming out of my vagina but besides that I'm great" she smiled sarcastically, even in pain she managed to be mean.

"Sorry, stupid question" the doctor looked at her apologetically.

"I don't want to have a C-Section, by the way"

"As long as no complications occur, you won't need one, I need to check how dilated you are" the doctor stuck his hand up Kimberley's hospital gown.

"Are you meant to do that?" I said to him.

"Yes, don't worry I'm not hurting her" he laughed, "you're 9 centimetres dilated" he removed his gloved hand.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"The cervix needs to expand to 10 centimetres this will allow the baby to come out, as soon as Kimberley is 10 centimetres dilated she can start pushing"


By time I was 10 centimetres my mom and Aubrey's mom had arrived; Niko had also dropped off my hospital bag. I felt so overwhelmed because of everything happening.

"Wow, this is really the real deal" he laughed.

"I know, it's surreal"

"Are you okay?" My mom came in and hugged me tightly.

"If you don't let go of me I won't be" I laughed.

"I'm so glad you're safe" Sandi hugged me as well.

"Thanks guys"


Once labour started only Aubrey was allowed to be in the room which was great, but I wanted our moms to be there too.

"You need to start pushing now" the doctor said.

"I can't" I inhaled and exhaled.

"Come on baby, you can do it"

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed so it would make it easier to push.

"Yes! That's it!" The midwife rubbed my leg.

"You're doing great Kimberley"

"Ahhhhhhhhh! Your big headed child!" I yelled and gripped Aubrey's hand.

"Breathe in and out" he whispered to me.

"A few more pushes" the doctor nodded.

"Hu-ahhhhhhh! I can't do it anymore" I screamed.


Kimberley giving birth was a combination of fear and funny, fear because she was very angry and aggressive but funny because of those things.

"We can see the head, just two more, just two more"

"Ahh... I shoulda just got a C Section!" She yelled again.

"One more push, do you want to look?" The midwife asked me.

"Uh, no I've seen it already"

"Last one Kimberley, you can do it!" The midwife encouraged her.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Get it outtttttt!" She screeched.

"She's here!"


At 4:24am Rueben-Rose Graham was born.


She was born with a lot of hair on her head, it was so cute. I started crying when they laid her on my chest, she looked exactly just like me, only with Aubrey's hair color and eyes.

"She's so small" Aubrey said looking at her while he held her.

"I know, like a little doll"

"We made her"

"That's our little human, how weird"

"Maybe you should get some sleep"

"I don't want to, you're the one that flew in, you go to sleep"

"I'm not tired, surprisingly" he chuckled.

I didn't go home until the next morning, they were running tests just to make sure we were both a hundred percent fine.

In regards to Johnny, I had a little surprise up my sleeve for him...

Every time I thought about him, the blood in my body boiled and I got angrier.

I would tell you what I did, but just wait on it.

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