Chapter 15

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I stayed a while after work this finish typing up the interview with Rocky, I was about to fall asleep when I heard my ringtone go off, I looked at the caller ID and kind of groaned. It was a new colleague of mine Leah, she was friends with Tiffany but I now knew her.

I let it ring out, then finished my work and walked out to the car park to head home when I noticed a note stuck on the windshield of my car.

It was one of those creepy stalker like notes which made a chill go down my spine, if anything that would've been the perfect horror movie setting.

I couldn't help but laugh reading the note, I figured it was someone I knew playing a joke on me.

Or so I thought.

I hadn't really spoken to Aubrey throughout the day because he was rehearsing for Power 106's Cali Christmas, we texted here and there but it wasn't like we usually did.

The next morning I woke up and did my normal morning routine, I headed to work but was interrupted by a strange text message, it was like the note I found on my windshield. When I met with Tiffany and Leah I asked them if it was either of them to which they both obviously said no.

"That's creepy.." Leah lowered her voice and looked around.

"I know, I just wanna know who it is"

"I would whoop their should whoop their ass!" Tiffany clapped.

"I would just call the cops" Leah pushed her bangs out her face.

"Nah, that's not going to help all the cops will do is take out a restraining order, plus that's no fun" Tiffany raised her eyebrow.

"Just shut up" I laughed.

"I'm interviewing Nicki Minaj today" Leah chimed in.

"Ugh.." I muttered. I didn't really like her considering she said she 'didn't approve' of mine and Aubrey's relationship, I was going to cuss her out but good ol' captain-save-a-hoe Aubrey saved her.

I went to pick up Aubrey from his rehearsal, he pecked me on the lips.

"You've been working up a sweat I see"

"Work hard, play hard" he laughed.

"You only have a few days until the show, do you think you're ready?"

"Yeah, you're still coming right?"

"Of course, I gotta be reppin' my baby"

"So I heard Nicki came into your workplace today"

"Who's that?" I grinned.

"Don't play, you know who I mean"

"Oh, you mean Nicki Minaj. Yes she did"

"Did you talk to her?"

"No, you already know I don't like her"

"Ever since that comment she made?"

"Yeah, plus you and her are too close"

"Ah, I see you're jealous" he smiled whilst nodding.

"Jealous of Nicki? Don't make me drive this car off a cliff"

"Alright chill, I'm joking" he grit his teeth.


"So I was thinking, instead of you spending Christmas with me, why don't you spend it with your family and then New Years with me"

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