Chapter 19

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I rolled over in bed noon on Christmas Eve feeling more exhausted than ever.

To make matters worse I had to get up to help my mom get the house ready for the party.

"Kimberley, wake- oh you're up" my mom walked into the room.

"Yep" I yawned.

"Do you think you can be down in 15 minutes? We need to drive downtown"

"For what?"

"For the wine I bought for the party, you can't have any though"

"Why?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Look at your hand, then see if you need to ask that question again" she referred to the bandage on my arm.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

I watched her walk out of the room before I got up and got dressed.


I had arrived in Toronto at about 3 am but had just spend the rest of the day sleeping, jet lag I guess.

When I awoke the first thing I did besides getting dressed and everything else was I went to see my mom. She was wise, if I ever needed advice I knew she was one of the best people I could talk to.

"What's the problem Aubrey?" She rubbed my shoulder affectionately.

"I did some things to Kimberley I shouldn't have"

"What things?"

"I don't want to go into it mom, but I'm not sure what to do"

"Try and make it up to her, she's gonna be hurting but if she knows you care you can fix it" she hugged me.

A message from Nebby popped up just as I was finished talking to my mom. I didn't bother to read it because I knew what I wanted.


I sat in the car waiting for my mom to hurry up, I got a phone call from who I presume was my brother.

I didn't have my brothers number because he changed it more than he changed his socks.

"Yo, Kimberley"

"Hi, what do you want?"

"Nice to hear from you too lil' sis"

"I didn't mean it like that" I laughed.

"Where's mom? She's not picking up her phone"

"She's actually getting in the car now, why do you want her?"

"She told me she needed my help with picking up stuff downtown"

"Is that your brother?" My mom got in the car.

"Yeah, he said you told him you needed his help"

"Yeah, tell him we're coming to pick him up"

I made an annoyed face at her, I really just wanted to hurry up and finish...I was exhausted.

"Mom said-"

"Yeah I heard her" my brother said down the phone.

"Yeah okay, bye" I hung up.

My mom drove fast which was unexpected of her, usually she drove like a senior citizen.

"Can you play some music or something mom?"

"What should I play? Drake?" She laughed.

"Haaaaaa" I laughed sarcastically.

She stopped at my brother's house to pick him up, it irritated me because I just wanted to leave. I was just in a bad mood for some reason.

"Wussup mom" he kissed my mom on the cheek and got in the car.

"Put your seatbelt on" she smiled at him.

"Wussup Drake's ting" my brother grinned at me.

"Wussup green giant" I made fun of his 6 foot 1 height.

Once we arrived downtown, walking into the wine bar made me feel uneasy. I didn't understand until I saw a face I really wanted to avoid.


He was stood at the counter with his mom, the look he gave me made my stomach feel queasy.

"You alright?" My brother Nathan looked at me.

"Mhmm" I nodded.

"If he says anything to you, tell me...I'll give him a early Christmas present"

"Stop it Nathan" my mom laughed.

I held onto my brothers arm for some form of comfort.

"Kimberley" Johnny walked closer to us.

"Don't talk to her" my brother furrowed his eyebrows at him and pulled me away.

Once we had loaded the wine into the trunk, we made our way home. My brother came back with us to stay for the party.

"You sure you're okay?" My brother asked me again.

"Yeah, thanks"

By time we had sorted the house out it was 6:30pm and the party was starting at 7:00pm. I couldn't even get a nap in...


I knew Kimberley's mom would be having a party, I headed over there at around 7:10pm. She had invited me anyways, it wasn't like I just turned up.

I saw Kimberley from a distance, it took me a while to realise it was her because she had dyed her hair.

"Miss me?" I walked over to her and whispered in her ear.

"What are you doing here?" She looked pleasantly surprised.

"Your mom invited me"


"You look good" I pulled her into my chest.

"You too" she smirked and kissed me.

"Oh, so compliments got you feeling some way?"

"Shut up" she laughed.

"So are we good now?"

"We are, we gotta take this slow though"

"I agree-"

"Is that Alisha?"

"What would she be doing here?" I asked in confusion.

"My thoughts exactly" she strolled off to follow the girl.


At first I thought it wasn't Alisha, or I was just seeing things.

Then I followed the girl and realised it was her, she was stood face to face with my father on the stairs.

"I just want you to accept this" Alisha tugged my fathers arm in a begging way.

"Accept what?" I interrupted.

"What are you doing here?" She looked at me.

"Bitch, this is my parents house"

"How do you guys know each other?" My dad asked.

"I could ask you the same thing" I kissed my teeth.

"She's the girl that did this to me" Alisha showed my dad the cut above her eye.

"I'm his daughter, idiot"

"Yeah, I'm his daughter too!" Alisha yelled.

"What?" I looked at my dad in confusion.

"I-, she-, she's your sister" my dad sighed loudly.


Eta: I had to rewrite this chapter because my annoying ass sister deleted it.

It's fine though, when she writes her story I'll just delete it.

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