Chapter 23

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I held Kimberley's hand as we walked along the beach, the average person would probably look at her and think she was cold hearted person but I knew otherwise.

If you were to ask her about her relationship with her parents she would tell you it was good and that they supported her with everything she did.

Which was half a lie, she didn't have a good relationship with them but they supported her.

"What are you thinking about?" I stopped her in her tracks.


"What about it?"

"Do you ever just sit down and think about what would've happened if you didn't do something?"

"All the time, but then again everything happens for a reason"

"I've done so many things that I'm not proud of, and it makes me paranoid that they'll come back to haunt me" her hand trembled slightly.

"What are you talking about?"

"I just can't talk about it, I'm not good at expressing myself" I had never seen her this vulnerable which made me worried.

"If you can't say, just don't worry about it"


I'm not the type of person to cry or show sensitive emotions. So when it came to talking about them I was even worse.

"I'm sorry for bringing this up"

"Don't be sorry" he pulled me into his chest.

"You smell like pineapples" I laughed.

"So do you" he laughed and picked me up like a bride.

"You're gonna drop me!" I yelled while laughing.

"I'm not, don't worry" he started walking towards the sea.

"Don't throw me-" before I could finish my sentence he threw me into the sea.

Luckily I had a swimsuit with a sarong over it. I ran after him trying to throw wet sand at him.

"I'm wet now" I flicked water at him.

"That's the usual effect"

I wouldn't have to walk far to the hotel because it was right next to the beach, I took off my wet sarong and hit him on the arm with it.

"Now that actually hurt"

"I'm sorry" I giggled.

"It's okay" he smirked and pulled me towards him by my bikini string.

"Not on the beach" I gave him a look.

I kissed his neck leaving a trail of bites, he picked me up and carried me off the beach. It was dark around that time so there was a slim chance of anyone seeing us.


I don't even have to say what went down, but anyway after we showered and got ready to go to LIV.

"I'm so ready to go back to LA" Kimberley said to me while applying her make-up.


"But you're gonna be on tour for like three months"

"You're gonna miss papi" I laughed.

"Yeah, I guess I'll just get a couple side niggas"

"Try it, all my boys in LA will tell me"

"What if it's them that are my side niggas" she laughed.

LIV was so crowded when we arrived, to make matters worse Dj Mr Rogers was the Dj. He spotted Kimberley and came over to her, I made sure I was holding her waist so he could see who the fuck she came with.

"Kimberley, what's up?" He scanned her body and face.

"Nothing really, you?"

"Same old thang, I tried calling you-

"Yeah, she was with me" I interrupted.

"I was talking to her my nigga" he looked at me.

"Now you talking to me, my nigga"

"Yo...Let's just go over there, nice seeing you" she dragged me away.

"Why did you pull me away?"

"Because you were about to get all hood and we don't need that" she laughed awkwardly.

"Sorry, I don't like that nigga"

"Oh really, I couldn't tell" she said sarcastically.

We spent most of the night drinking (not too much given with Kimberley 's track record),and dancing before Kimberley got tired and wanted to leave.

Just as Kimberley went to the bathroom Dj Mr Rogers approached me.


"Remember, anytime you decide to fuck up I'll be right there to steal Kim from you"

"Fuck outta here, she doesn't want you"

"The kiss she gave me yesterday says otherwise" he patted me on the shoulder and walked away.

At that point I was confused.


The whole journey home Aubrey was quiet, which was weird for him.

"What's wrong?"

"Your Dj friend, he told me something"

"Well, do you want to tell me or are we gonna go back and forth with this"

"He said you kissed him"

"What!" I burst out laughing.


"And you believe him?"

"You've been acting strange, that's why"

"He's not even my type firstly, secondly I've been acting strange because my dead brothers birthday is coming up"

"Oh God, I'm sorry baby" he held my hands.

"Its fine, I didn't kiss him...I wouldn't want to"

"It's just the way he said it"

"I promise you nothing happened, he told me he liked me but that was it"

"So you're not attracted to him?"

"Is the grass green?"

It pissed me off that someone that was meant to be my "friend" would lie about something like that, especially someone that supposedly enjoyed being single.

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