Chapter 7

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Aubrey's P.O.V:

Most of the flight to L.A. Kimberly was cuddled up with me. I could feel her head on my chest.

She awoke and yawned.

"How long have I been asleep?" she rubbed her eyes.

"Since we boarded" I laughed

"It feels like Thirty minutes"

"Yo ass was snoring so it felt like ages for me"

"I don't i?" she laughed.

"Just a little, but it's cute"

"Am I a bad person?" Kimberly changed the subject.

"Why would you be a bad person?"

"Because of what I did to Johnny?"

"I don't think you're a bad person"

"But?" she looked up.

"But what?"

"I don't know, there's always a but" she smirked.

"I forgot how weird you were" I laughed.

"Well, now you're going to remember"

"When we get to L.A. imma take you to meet the crew"

"The crew?"

"You know, Ryan, OB, Chubbs, Niko, Prince..more"

"OB is the one you met when you finished Degrassi right? And Ryan is your cousin"

"Yeah, OB is the one that tried to hit on you till he found out your age"

"And who my dad was..but that'd be cool"

"There's more, but I figured you'd remember them"

Kimberley's P.O.V:

L.A. is a loud ass place, although Toronto isn't exactly downtown Mississippi or whatever. Aubrey took me back to his temporary condo, he was always in and out of L.A. plus he still had his condo back in Toronto.

"Condo's always have pretty views" I said whilst looking out the window.

"You're a prettier view" He laughed sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You're so corny" I walked over to him and then sat on his lap.

"But it's cute right?"

"Yes, very" I laughed and kissed him.

His phone vibrated in his pocket he pulled it out, read the screen and then looked at me.

"Ready to meet the crew?"

"Hmmmm, yeah"

I hopped in the shower only to feel a pair of warm hands against my torso. It was Aubrey, he began kissing my neck. I giggled and turned around to face him.

"We gotta shower, we can't be doing this" I moaned.

"We can't, but we are" he smirked.

He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, he slammed into me letting the water run down on both of us, I moaned loudly and dug my nails into his back.

Forty five minutes later we both came out of the shower with towels on, I hadn't planned on getting my hair wet, but thanks to Aubrey it was now.

"We didn't use a co-" Aubrey scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Got it covered" I pulled a pill packet out of my purse and smiled.

"You work fast" He laughed.

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