Chapter 26

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As I stood in my walk in closet looking for something to wear to dinner, Aubrey came up behind me and put his hands around my waist to get my attention.

"Yes dear" I laughed looking at him.

"I just came to see what you were doing"

"Trying to find something to wear"

"You act like you don't have a range of choices" he picked up one of the pieces of clothes I had thrown on the floor and laughed throwing it at me.

"Shut up, I just wanna go casual"

"So wear jeans?"

"They don't fit me"

"Oh, so you gettin' thick?" He smirked and laughed.

"Don't get me hype-" I laughed.

"I'm going to get my uh, friend, I'll meet you guys at the restaurant in like twenty minutes" my brother poked his head through the door.

"Ok, cool" Aubrey gave him a thumbs up.

The thought of having dinner was actually beginning to grow on me, until I got to the restaurant and saw it was Tiffany my brother was dating, like really nigga?

A whole heap of revelations coming out, it was Christmas two months ago people. I sat across the table for her looking really confused.

"Kimberley, this is-" my brother started to talk.

"Tiffany" I interrupted him.

"Oh, you guys know each other? That's crazy"

"I know, what a...small world" Tiffany grinned awkwardly.

" long have you guys been dating?" Aubrey asked them.

"Not long, a couple months"

"A couple months?!" I looked at them appalled.


"So you guys have been together from time?"

"I guess you could say that" my brother grinned and looked at Aubrey.

I couldn't wait for dinner to be over, when we got home I was still thinking about it.


"You knew they were doing a ting, didn't you?" Kimberley glared at me.

"Yep, I just wanted to see your reaction" I chuckled.

"When did you find out?"

"Earlier today"

"That's gross though"

"You grilled Tiffany for the whole night you know?" I shook my head at her, grilled is like Toronto slang for staring at someone intensely.

"Yeah, it's just my natural reaction"

"She's probably scared of you now" I laughed.

"Think about it like this, imagine I was dating Ryan? Or OB? Or even your dad"

"That's...completely different" I felt a bit uncomfortable when she said that.

"See, you feel weirded out don't you?"

"I feel all grossed out and ting even talking about it, let's move on"

"The tour in two weeks, are you excited?"

"Definitely, I wish you could come though"

"I wish I could too, but I'll be at some shows, and the NBA all star thingy"

"I'm going to have to do something special for you because the tour starts valentines day" I smirked and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Ditto" she kissed my cheek.


The next week my brother had gone back to Toronto and I was meant to start the whole counselling bullshit because my dad convinced Alisha to drop the charges, but I wasn't going to be attending. I just said I would, it's like killing two birds with one stone.

There was a couple photoshoots I had for throughout the week, there was a lingerie one I know Aubrey would freak about but I hadn't really brought myself to ask him about it because I obviously already knew how he would react.

I figured I would just do the shoot then tell him after, what harm could it do right? Plus he would be busy considering he was going on tour the following week. I went downstairs looking for Aubrey, but I could hear him blaring YG "I'm Good" through the house, I stood at the door watching him and OB dance and rap to it while Ryan stood there nodding his head to the beat.

"Ever since she fucked with me she ain't been the same well God damn, just blame it on my ding-a-lang" Aubrey and OB laughed rapping.

"YG groupies" I laughed.

"This song gets me so hype, I swear dawg" OB grinned and turned down the music.

"Blame Aubrey, he loves this fuckin' song" Ryan laughed.

"This song deserves a Grammy" Aubrey laughed.

"I love YG- I mean his music" I laughed reacting to the glare Aubrey gave me.

"That's what I thought" Aubrey laughed.


"You know what I've realised Kimberley?" OB looked at me.


"You're such a typical Toronto girl, like everything you say is so like, Toronto-y"

"How? I've been talking like this from time"

"This is what you sound like-"

"Oh Lawd" I put my hand on my head.

"Yo dawg, you're cheesing me bruh, like why pree, waste yout? Lemme see you talk to any cyattie's Aubrey, I'll fight you fam" OB mimicked me.

Aubrey and Ryan stood there cracking up at OB, he actually did sound like me which was the funniest thing.

"Yoooo, I hate you so much" I shook my head laughing.

"What are you doing today?" Aubrey looked at me.

"I'm going to the gym with Tiffany, then I have a meeting with my agent, that's it, what are you doing today?"

"Kimmi's hanging with her sister in law" Ryan teased me.

"Shut up" I stuck my tongue out at Ryan.

"Looking through the practice video entries" Aubrey said to me, making me glare at him.

"That sounds fun" I said sarcastically. Of course he would enjoy seeing a bunch of bitches twerk to get in a music video.

"It is" OB smiled nodding his head.

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