Chapter 32

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We returned to Toronto to live temporarily when Kimberley was eight months pregnant, thats where we wanted the baby to be born and she wanted to spend the remainder of her pregnancy there just in case she went into labour unexpectedly. Kimberley and I were still on a rough patch but slowly everything would be fine.

I took her to Hawaii for her birthday which gave us time away from all the drama...and a lot of time to talk.

I knew I had to make Kimberley and the baby a main priority, Kimberley was dropping everything for me and the least I could do is not fuck up; not to mention I still had a lot of redeeming to do.


I slept for practically the whole day when we got back from Hawaii. Jet lag and hours of being out in the sun made me tired.

"Baby, you up yep?" He called me from the living room.

"Barely, but yeah" I laughed.

"Come in here, real quick"

I hauled myself out of bed and waddled like a penguin (because of my swollen ankles) towards the living room.

"Why did you want m- aw, babe!" I smiled after seeing the platter of chocolate covered strawberries.

"That's why I wanted you" he chuckled.

"Thank you baby, I was craving them earlier" I giggled,taking a bite out of one.

"Yeah I know, the baby told me" rubbed my stomach and laughed.

"Hmm, sure"

"It's crazy..." he stared at me.

"What is?"

"That we're gonna be parents in exactly a month, you realize nothing will be the same"

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around it, I wish we just didn't have so much negative shit going on"

"Forget all that, it's you and I, plus the baby against the world now" Him saying that made me smile from ear to ear, everyone knew Aubrey was a charmer...but this time it felt genuine.

"You know what else is crazy?"


"Ok, so like, your birthday is October 24th, my birthday is June 24th and the baby's is going to be September 24th"

"So...where are you going with this? Illuminati?" He laughed.

"I don't even know"

"I have a feeling she's going to be exactly like you"

"I don't, I think she'll look like me but have your personality"

"Oh God, start praying from now" he said making me laugh.

"Have you thought about any names? I have one"

"I thought we agreed if it was a boy I chose the name and if it was a girl it was your pick?"

"Yeah, but suggestions are helpful"

"Tell me your choice and we'll see how far we get"

"I like the name Reuben-Rose, I know Reuben is your grandfathers name but I feel like it'll really suit her and it's like, a nice tribute to him and then Rose is just to add a girly flair to it"

"I like it, actually" he nodded.

"Don't sound so surprise" I slapped his arm playfully.

"You've never been good at creating names, your dog was called 'the dog' for two years"

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