Chapter 29

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The rest of the week wasn't as chill as I wanted it to be, but good things came out of it; my grandfather was released from the hospital and my brother was now engaged to Tiffany.

I mean, the last one was a bit weird because my friend and brother being together is unsettling in every way, but if they're happy I'm happy (I'm not but I'll survive).

In a way I was jealous which was rare for me, it felt like everybody was growing up and making big movements in their lives then you just had me. It had me thinking about my relationship, I'm not saying I wanted a ring or something like that but I wanted to be sure it was secure.

I was spending the day shopping with my mom (let me just clarify, this was by force).

"Are you okay? You look a little pale" she felt my forehead.

"I'm lightskin, what do you expect?" I laughed.

"Well, more than usual" she giggled.

"I think I have food poisoning, I can't keep anything down-"

"See, you need to be home more often so I can cook for you" she pinched my cheek, making me squeal.

"Ow" I held my cheek.

"I saw your modelling pictures" she smiled at me.

"Which ones?"

"All of them, the lingerie one certainly caught everybody's eye"

"Don't bring it up" I made a face at her.


When the tour came to LA and Kimberley saw me, she ran and put her arms around me. I could tell that her behavior was genuine, but I could feel that there was something going on.

"I'm guessing you missed me then?" I laughed and planted kisses on her.

"I missed something else more, but yeah I did"

"I'm excited you get to see the tour in person"

"So am I, I've been hype as fuck"

"I heard Nathan and Tiffany are engaged, is that true?"


"You don't seem very happy about it" I looked at her.

"I don't know, it's just weird I feel like everyone's growing up"

"And we're not?"


"So, you want to get married?"

"No, that's not what I'm saying" she sounded defensive.

"Well what are you trying to say? What the fuck do you actually want?"

"Why are you talking to me like that? What the fuck"

"I thought you were content with what we have?"

"I am, I just- actually don't worry"

"No, explain what you mean, I don't get it you're only 23 and I'm only 25, we're not ready for marriage or babies"

"I don't want to, I don't even know what I want myself, just get ready for the show and I'll see you later" she flicked her hair over her shoulder and walked out.

She usually cooled off and came back but this time she didn't, she wasn't even at the concert which was unlike her. It pissed me off, until I got a call from her friend Leah after the show.


"Uh, hi, where's Kimberley?" I said reacting to the different accent.

"She's in the hospital, she was in an accident"

"What?! How?"

"I- Just get here as soon as possible"

When Chubbs, Ryan and I arrived she was sitting on the hospital bed as the doctor was talking to her, she didn't see me but her next words would make me feel like shit.

"Is my baby okay?" She looked up at the doctor.


"Did you know she was, you know?" Ryan asked.

"No, if I did, she wouldn't be out of my sight" I held my head in my hands.

"You should probably go in and talk to her" Chubbs put his hands on my shoulder reassuringly.


"How did you know I was here?" I looked at Aubrey when he walked in after the doctor left.

"Leah called me"

"Oh, well I'm good"

"And the baby?"

"What? How did you know?"

"I over heard you asking the doctor, why would you not tell me?"

"When I found out it wasn't something to say over the phone or facetime, and you said you're not ready for a baby-"

"It's different now, you can't hide stuff like this, what if it's hurt?" He looked at me like he was hurt.

"I'm waiting to find out, I didn't mean to hide it"

I could tell Aubrey was really mad at me, he didn't say anything to me until the doctor came in.

"I'm assuming this is the baby's father?" She smiled at him.

"Yeah" we both said in unison.

"Great, I have a fetal Doppler, which allows you to listen to the foetus' heartbeat, this will obviously tell us if the foetus is okay"

The anticipation and tension in the room increased when the baby's heartbeat didn't make a sound.

Then it finally didamake a sound and I sighed with relief.

Authors note:

I was trying to put it up yesterday but for some reason it wouldn't, hope you guys enjoyed your easter! Xo

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