Chapter 20

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Fast forward to the 27th and Aubrey flew me out to come and see him, there was slight tension between he and I because we hadn't discussed everything that happened.

My mind was in so many different places, the fact Alisha was my half sister or some shit like that made it harder for me to forget what happened between her and Aubrey.

To make matters worse my mom was so nonchalant about the situation, she never seemed to have a problem with anything my dad did so talking to her wouldn't make a difference...I just played along until it was time for me to leave.

Alisha's presence in my parents house was uncomfortable for my brother Nathan and I, everytime I saw her I wanted to beat her ass but of course I couldn't. Her telling me sorry for what she did didn't make a change to how I felt at all.

Aubrey picked me up from the airport and drove me back to our hotel room.

When we arrived in the room there was a big beautiful bouquet of white roses at the foot of the bed.

"Are these mine?" I looked at him.

"Well they're not mine" he laughed.

"Thanks baby" I kissed him.

"No problem" he grinned holding onto my waist.

"Oh that's what you want" I smirked.


"Too bad" I laughed walking away from him.

"Don't do that to me, how was Christmas with your sister?" he chuckled.

"It was so amazingly shit"

"Damn, didn't your mom go crazy?"

"No, she was so chill about it!"

"So did you guys just chill in the house?"

"Pretty much, but I let them do their thing I didn't socialise with her"

"Did she talk to you at all?"

"Yeah, she said sorry and stuff but I don't really care"

"That's your sister though-"

"No she's not, let's not speak on that traumatic ordeal" I smiled awkwardly at him.

"We need to talk about something else"


"The reason we broke up"

"But we're good now, why do we have to talk about it"

"Because it's awkward, you can cut the tension between us with a knife"

"Okay, let's talk"

"You know I'm sorry right? I swear I won't do anything like that again" he held my hands.


"I believe you" She nodded.

"But?" I waited for her response.

"But what? I'm cool" she looked confused.

"Usually you got something slick to say"

"I know, but I don't have something right now...gimme sometime it'll come to me" she laughed.

"Have you ever been to Nobu?"

"The seafood place?"

"It's Japanese actually" I laughed correcting her.

"Same thing"

"Whatever, do you wanna go?"

"It's like 11pm, are they even open?"

"I'm Drake, I'll make it open"

"Dawg" she laughed.

I had actually made dinner reservations, it was kinda a chance to be properly alone and intimate.

She came out of the shower 30 minutes later with a towel wrapped around her.

"Lawd" I looked at her.

"What?" She laughed.

"Damn, I love you" I pulled her towards me.

"Good" she planted kisses on my neck.


He removed the towel I had around my body and threw it on the bed, he picked me up making me almost instantly wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

He started to leave a trail of kisses on my neck causing me to moan slightly...then he stopped and put me down.

"Aubrey!" I snapped out of it.

"You wanted more?"

"Well duh..."

"Too bad" he mocked me from earlier.

"Grrr" I rolled my eyes and picked up the towel.

We both got ready and headed to Nobu, he wasn't kidding when he said he could make Nobu stay open. We were the only ones in the restaurant and the lighting was dimmed with candles on our table.

"How romantic" I grinned.

"I'm tryna make it up to you, I know I fucked up"

"It's okay, seriously...I felt a bit uneasy before but it's fine"

"I got something for you" he pulled out a ring box.

"Are you-"

"No, it's a promise ring...I wanna marry you one day though" he took it out and placed on my hand.

"Aw, thank you baby"

"You're welcome"

"I really love you"


Once we were finished I could tell Kimberley was kinda tired, I took her back to the hotel room to let her rest.

I still wasn't tired even though it was about 1am, I got a text from Courtne my assistant reminding me about the cover I had to do with Complex.

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