chapter 43

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A few days had gone by since everything that happened, and really, there were only two good things that came out of it. 

One, Hermoine and I didn't have to hide anymore. Well, we sort of did, just not around our closest friends, and they were really the only ones who mattered.

And two, I didn't have to go to class for a while. Everyone said it was too dangerous for me to be out without protection, especially with Draco gone, presumably telling all of the death eaters about what happened.

The order had been at Hogwarts every day, taking shifts standing out side of all of the dorms, to make sure that there wasn't another attack, and that nothing bad happened. But I had a feeling that it wasn't going to do much.

At this point, I don't think the dark lords army cares much about the security at the school. They'll attack when they see fit, and I know that it'll be soon. But the school isn't preparing as much as they should. I don't think it's going to be another attack, I think it's going to be a battle. A war.

"Hey, are you okay?" Hermoine asked, sitting beside me on my bed. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just- a little nervous, I guess. For what's to come." I told her. I knew that I had to tell her about me being the dark lords daughter soon, but right now, I just wanted to be with her.

She took my hand, placing it in her lap, and gave me an endearing smile. "We're going to be alright. I promise. Nothing is going to happen. They tried, and they failed. They're never going to try and take you away again." I wished that was true. But I knew better. I knew he'd stop at nothing until he got me back.

I don't know what he wants from me, but I know better than to think that he's gone away. I leaned into Hermoine's shoulder, burrowing my head into her. "How are you so positive?" I asked. "Usually, you're all...yelly, and stuff."

"Yelly? Yelly!" Hermoine exclaimed, and we both laughed, me pulling myself out of her shoulder, and looking into her eyes. I put my hand on her cheek, pulling her close to me, kissing her gently.

As we pulled away from each other, I rested my forehead against hers, and whispered "Promise me something." "What?" She asked.

"If something happens, with all of this shit, I want you to promise me that you won't do anything stupid. That you'll stay out of the way." I told her. I knew she'd never keep it, but if she agreed, it would at least make me feel a little better.

If a war really happens, the last thing I need for her to do is sacrifice herself for me, or get herself hurt. She looked me in the eyes for a second, and then said "I need you to promise me something, then."

"Oh no." I joked, letting out a little laugh. "Promise me that you'll stay with me, no matter what. That, if something really does happen, you won't leave me. I- I don't want you to get hurt again, Ana." She said, and I could see her eyes getting teary.

I didn't know why, and I didn't ask. I simply grabbed her hand, taking her pinky, as we'd done before, from what seems like years ago.

"I promise."

We both said, at the same time, smiling at each other.

"I love you." I said, with no regrets. No fears. I knew it was true, I've known for a long time. Probably since the day I'd met her, but I never thought it was this kind of love. I know differently, now.

Her eyes widened, and her mouth opened, as if to say something, but she stopped herself. "Really?" She asked, I could see her hand start to shake. I took her hand gently, and said:

"How could I not? I've loved you forever, Hermoine." I said, "And I'll stay with you, forever." She stayed silent for another moment, seemingly thinking about all of the different outcomes her answer would bring.

"Do you know the first time I knew?" She said. Wait. Does that mean-

She looked down at her knees, and started to speak.

"It was last year, when Umbridge had us both in for detention. We had to use her quills, and I was crying. Umbridge left the room, and you took my hand, and you told me it was all all going to be okay. That it'd be over soon. That's when I knew. Truly."

"Wait, so-" I started to say, but was cut off by Hermoine putting her lips onto mine, it felt desperate, almost as if we'd never kiss again. She cupped my cheeks with her hands, and I could feel the smile on her lips as we finally pulled away from each other.

"Yes, Ana. I love you, too." I stared at her for a second, and then burst out laughing. I didn't really know why, but I didn't care. Hermoine looked at me bizarrely, before joining in. We sat there, laughing together, in love, and in that moment, I wished that it would last forever.

But, of course, it didn't. Nothing good lasts forever. Not even 24 hours later, and I was back at Malfoy Manor. How did this happen, you ask?

Well, I'd give you the answer, but honestly, I don't know either. The last thing I remember was laughing with Hermoine. Shit- Hermoine! Oh god, what if they hurt her? I'd never forgive myself.

I was tied to a chair, at the end of the long table, one that I'd sat in a few times before. "Hello?" I yelled, trying to find a way to untie myself. I saw a figure enter the room, but I couldn't quite tell who it was, it was almost pitch black.

It was a woman, I think, from looking at the silhouette. The only reason I knew I was here, was because of the coldness. It was freezing cold in this room, but not only the temperature. The energy. It was dark, and you could feel it all around you.

"Hermoine?" I questioned to the silhouette. I had a feeling it wasn't her, and my suspicion was soon proved, the second I heard the silhouette laugh.

"Bellatrix." I said, sternly.

"Got me!" She exclaimed, and the room was suddenly light again. "Why am I here? You all failed last time, there's no way they'd all fall for the 'dead' act again." I taunted. I mean, technically, Dumbledore didn't even believe it the first time, so why would he ever believe it now.

"That's not the plan, darling." She said, threateningly, waving her wand around. "We're not going to kill you, we're-"

"Bella. I advise you stop talking, before the dark lord comes back. He wanted to tell her himself." Snape said, as he entered the room. "Snape! What the hell? I-" I started to yell at him, as Bellatrix came up to me, roughly grabbing my face, and coming close enough to me that our faces were almost touching.

"Quiet. If I'm not allowed to talk, neither are you." She yelled. "I'm allow-"

"SHUT UP!" She screamed again, slapping me, almost hard enough to knock the chair over. I yelled in pain, as I put my head down and squeezed my eyes shut, hoping to ease the pain at least a little.

I guess they were allowed to hurt me now. Perfect.

Snape walked over, practically shoved Bellatrix out of the room, and said:

"I can help you."

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