chapter 4

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I stepped onto the train, and was immediately overwhelmed by the smell of chocolate frogs. Out of everything on the train, that was the thing my brain decided to focus on. I think it's because you can't get those in America. I missed them, just like I missed pretty much everything else at Hogwarts.

I started walking around the train, looking to see where Harry, Hermoine, and Ron were sitting, because we sat together on the train every year. I'd sit next to Hermoine, and Harry and Ron would sit across from us. I couldn't seem to find them though, which was kinda weird, because we always tried to sit in the same compartment every year. I finally saw them. Wait, what the hell?? Someone was sitting in my spot! I tried to get a glimpse of who it was, and to my surprise, it was...


Okay I know I haven't been able to write them all summer, but really? PANSY?? She is the most obnoxious human being I've ever met. I have to share a dorm with her every single year (god knows why) and she's a snotfaced brat. So why the actual hell was she sitting with my group? They didn't look like they were having a very pleasant conversation though, the look on everyones faces as she spoke said it all. Ron looked absolutely disgusted, Harry looked confused, and Hermoine looked more annoyed than I've ever seen her in my entire life. Then, as soon as Pansy saw me watching them, she got up from her seat, blew a kiss at Harry, and walked out of the compartment.

I walked over to the trio with a very confused look on my face. "Thank god Ana! You've saved us! I thought she'd never leave!" Ron practically shouted, getting up to hug me when I stepped into the compartment. I hugged him back, as Harry said "Ana! We all missed you over the summer, we would've had so much fun if you stayed at the burrow! But how have you been?" "I've been pretty good, I didn't do that much over the summer, except go to a lot of parties with my muggle friends." I said as I smirked. "Wait!" I said, cutting off Harry as he was about to respond to me. "Before I forget, I got you guys something from America."

I exclaimed, as I pulled out three bracelets, all of them matching the one I had on my wrist, and handed them out. "Blimey, Ana! You didn't have to get us anything!" Ron said, looking closer at the bracelet. The bracelets had the letters H, H, R, and A on it. "I think it's the initials of a company or something, but I saw them and thought it was kind of funny how they're ours too, so I got one for all of us." I explained to them. "Thank you so much Ana, they're brilliant!" Harry said, as him and everyone else slipped the bracelets on their wrists. "Yes, thank you, I actually quite like it." Hermoine said, staring down at her bracelet. That was the first thing she said to me once I got into the compartment. 'Why is she acting so strange? Did I do something?' I wondered, but responded to them all normally. "Yeah of course, you don't have to thank me though, I only bought them because they were 50 cents each." I said, chuckling.

Everyone looked at me confused, and that's when I remembered they only know galleons and pounds. "Nevermind." I said while laughing, and soon everyone else joined in. "Now that we've established that...what in the bloody hell was Pansy Parkinson doing in our compartment?" I asked. I was more confused than anything. They never even really talk to her at all, so why was she in the compartment acting like they were all best friends?

"Well she wante-" Hermoine started to say, but Ron cut her off, and said "Bloody hell you should've seen it Ana! She just walked in and started flirting with Harry! Out of nowhere! Didn't even speak to the rest of us! She practically climbed over Hermoine trying to get to him, talking about 'the chosen one' prophecy being hot! If you wouldn't have come, she probably would've stayed the entire train ride!" "Oh my god!" I practically shouted, laughing harder than I had the entire break.

As the train ride went on, we all kept talking about everything we did that summer, and ordered basically everything off of the snack cart when it came to us. It felt amazing to be back. We weren't even at Hogwarts yet, and I still knew this is where I'm meant to be.

With them.

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