chapter 35

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"Hermoine!" I laughed, as she held my hand, practically running with me, leading me to my dorm. She opened the door, and immediately screamed and shielded her eyes. "What!" I yelled, as I ran in front of her, trying to shield her from whatever was in there, hoping that it wasn't a death eater.

But instead, I saw something much worse. Honestly, I would rather have a death eater in my room. "Ugh! Oh my god!" A student that I didn't know moaned, as I saw them fucking on my bed. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled at them, and they both immediately turned around and left each other, covering themselves up.

"Shit! Uh, sorry!" One of the students said embarrasingly, as they both quickly threw their clothes on and hurried out the door. Hermoine and I stood in the doorway as they left, my mouth hanging wide open, her hand still over her eyes.

"Are they gone?" Hermoine asked, with a wince on her face. "Uh, yeah." I said, still in shock from what I had just seen. Hermoine removed her hand off of her face, and just looked at me. Then, her face contorted into a smile, and she broke out into uncontrollable laughter. And seeing her laugh makes me laugh, so I did too.

We both stood there laughing for a while, and then went into my room. Hermoine went to sit down on my bed, but I grabbed her by the shoulders and said "What the hell are you doing? We gotta change my sheets first. I am NOT sitting on that." She laughed at me, as I went to grab extra sheets. We put them on the bed together, she was laughing the whole time about how I didn't even want to touch the old sheets, and I laughed along with her.

It felt nice, to be with her again. Especially like this. Seeing her happy makes everything feel...right. As we finally got the new sheets on, Hermoine paused before sitting on the bed and said "Happy now?" still giggling. "You know, I would've liked to just burn the whole mattress and get a new one, but I guess this will work too." As I laughed, and sat down on the bed next to her.

I brushed her hair behind her ear, and gave her a hug. "You're VERY drunk, aren't you." She asked, and I responded "You aren't?"

"No actually, I don't really like the taste. Or the feeling of not being in control, you know?" She said, and I told her "Yeah, yeah, I get that." And just stared at her for a second, until I cupped one of her cheeks, and gave her a kiss. This one felt the same as our last, but also very different. The other one was more passionate, but this one...this one was desperate.

We moved our lips together in harmony, as we changed positions. Hermoine laid down on the bed, with me on top of her. I have to admit, I was nervous, because I've never really 'made out' with anyone before. But how hard can it be, right?

We kept kissing passionately, as I moved my hand down to her throat, not really choking her, just resting it there. She pulled away from me, and said "Let's switch. It's kind of boring down here." She said quickly and added a laugh, and I smirked at her.

"All right, Granger. Show me how it's done." I said, as we switched our positions again, so that I was on the bottom, with her on the top now. We began kissing again, with her lips beginning to move down my neck, until she stopped herself, and said "Do you want to, um, do anything, like, you know?" And I knew EXACTLY what she was asking.

"Uh, you know, I um, yeah, yeah, I-I'd be fine with it." I responded awkwardly, not knowing if I'd ACTUALLY be fine with it, just going with things. "I just wanted to make sure, um, I've never done it before. Honestly, I don't even know how." She said, and paused, looking down at me. "Do you?" She asked, and I'm pretty sure my face grew as red as a tomato as I said "No. Um, not really." And we just kind of sat there for a second, until she said "Then maybe we should wait. I'm not saying that I don't want to, because I do, but, you're drunk, and I'd feel bad doing anything with you that you might end up regretting. Also, I'm really confused, and I'd like to figure this all out before we do it."

Honestly, her saying that gave me so much relief. I mean, I'm sure it would be amazing to do it with her, but obviously, she's uncomfortable, and I kind of am too. I don't want to end up ruining our relationship for a THIRD time, just because we did something before we were ready. "Yeah, that's, probably a good idea." I told her, as she got off of me, and laid down beside me.

I turned over to look at her, and we sat there, face to face, inches apart. "We're still cool, right? You're not gonna leave me again?" I asked her, as she told me "I'll never leave you again. Promise." "But how do I know? You said that last time, and look what happened. How will we make it official?" I asked, and she looked like she was in thought for a second, and then put out her pinky finger.

"Come on. Let's link our pinkies." She said, and I couldn't help but laugh at her. "What? Are you serious?" I managed to get out through giggles, and she responded "Of course. I think I saw it in a muggle book once. They link their pinkies, and it becomes a sort of...unbreakable vow." She said, and I smiled, as I lifted my pinky, and connected it with hers. "I promise, that I will never EVER leave you again, Ana Alcott." She said with a smile.

I was about to pull my pinky away, as she said "Hey, what are you doing? This promise goes both ways, Ana!" I laughed, and then sighed at her, and said in the most pretentious accent I could muster "I, Ana Alcott, make the unbreakable vow, swearing to NEVER leave behind Hermoine Jean Granger, even in the darkest of circumstances." After I said the last word, we both immediately started to laugh again, as we disconnected our pinkies and just looked at each other for a second.

I leaned in and kissed her gently, and I could feel her smile forming as we pulled away from each other. Right now, everything felt perfect. Like it was right how it should be.

A couple of hours later, we had both been asleep for a while, but I woke up for a second, and looked at her. God, I hope this isn't creepy. I saw that her hand was holding my arm, pulling it close to her, and I smiled. I took my free arm, and stroked her hair, and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you." Came out of my mouth, as I pulled my hand away from her head and slapped it onto my mouth. WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST SAY?!!?? I thought to myself, as a look of panic crossed my face. Oh my god. No. I didn't even think about it, it just came out. Almost like it was natural. What the actual hell?!

Am I really in love with Hermoine Granger?

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