chapter 21

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It had been a week after the whole quidditch incident, and I was finally used to going to my classes again. That last week had been absolute torture, with everyone telling me that they're glad I'm okay every two seconds, and acting like I'm fragile, and that I could break at any second. I've been trying to talk to Hermoine all week, and it seems like she's been avoiding me. She'll talk to me in class with other people around, but the second we're dismissed she practically runs away from me.

But I'm determined to talk to her this week. We just left potions class, and once again, Hermoine started to speed walk away. Instead of following her today, I let her go. I needed to talk to Ron and Harry. Maybe they could tell me what's happening with her. "Hey! Ron! Harry!" I called after them. "Are you coming to the game today, Ana?" Harry asked me when I caught up to them. "Maybe. I'm not sure yet. But there IS something that I need to talk to you about." I told them. "Bloody hell, what is it this time? If you want to prank Pansy again, get the twins because I don-" Ron sarcastically asked me, as I cut him off.

"It's about Hermoine, actually. Do you think we could speak in...private?" I asked them both, and they gave each other a peculiar look. "Alright." Harry said, and we went over to the astronomy tower, which had just been cleared out, to talk.

"So...what is it?" Ron said, his mouth full with a chocolate frog. "Why is she avoiding me?" I asked them. "I don't know. She wouldn't tell us a thing." Ron said, still talking with his mouth full. "We asked her a couple of days ago because usually, you guys are always together. But she just told us not to worry about it." Harry told me. "But I mean, there's obviously something wrong. Hermoine doesn't do stuff like this. Ever." I told them. "I mean, I think I know why, but I thought she'd tell you guys. She tells you everything." I said, with a puzzled look on my face. Why would she not tell them?

And then it hit me. I had almost forgotten that Harry liked me too. I guess with everything going on, that didn't seem very important. I mean, I guess she had a good reason for not telling them. I know that it would really hurt Harry if he found out Hermoine liked me. "Actually...could you help me with something?" I asked them. "Sure. What is it?" Ron said, still eating somehow. "I need you guys to get Hermoine to come to the quidditch field after the game tonight. But DONT tell her that it's me. Tell her that you guys want to go to Hagrids shack or something." I really hoped they'd do this for me.

"Couldn't you just ask her yourself?" Harry said. "I mean, we can totally help if you want, but do you really think your best friend wouldn't come if you asked her? I know she's avoiding you, but I'm sure she still cares." He added. Best friend. I don't know why, but those two words kind of made me angry. I think now that she's told me how she feels, I don't want to be her best friend anymore. I don't really know just what I want us to be yet, though.

"Honestly, no. I don't think she would. Just-please. I need to talk to her, and this isn't gonna happen any other way." I told them. They agreed to help me, and we started to get down to the details.

I ended up going to the quidditch match, it was between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Gryffindor won, and we all went back to our dorms for a while. Before the game, Harry came over and told me that Hermoine agreed to come at 9 o'clock. I saw her at the game. She looked kind of...sad. She was still cheering, but I could tell something was off with her. It was probably about me, honestly.

The time was 8:56, and I was waiting for Hermoine on the field. I sat in the bleachers, and hoped that when she saw me, she wouldn't run away like she'd been doing all week. I saw her enter the field, and start looking around. I stood up reluctantly, and walked up to her. She still didn't see me.

"Hermoine." I said, and saw her tense up. She didn't turn around, just stood there. 

"We need to talk." 

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