chapter 12

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It had been a few weeks since the Draco and Hermoine incident, and things were better than ever. I was partnered up with Hermoine in almost every class we were in together, and that was good for a multiple of reasons. First of all, Hermoine was probably the smartest person in our entire school, and she helped me get good grades, and two, she was one of my favorite people to spend time with. I can't explain why, but I just love being around her. Every time she came around me, I would automatically smile.

We were in potions class, and I sit next to Fred, George, and Hermoine. "I'll bet you all 5 galleons that Snape will hit Ana in the head with his book again." Fred joked. I mean, it wasn't far off. Even though I was in Slytherin, Snape HATED me for being friends with a bunch of Gryffindors. SPECIFICALLY Harry Potter. So, instead of taking away house points, because he wants us to win, he hits me with his book or yells at me if I even breathe the wrong way. "I'll bet 10 if he screams at her again." George added.

"Hey, that's not fair, he does THAT one every day!" Fred spoke. "I find it incredibly unreasonable that you all are betting on Ana being practically ABUSED by Snape! It's not funny!" Hermoine practically yelled. The only reason she did that was because oddly, Snape wasn't in the classroom yet. "It is a little funny." The twins said in unison. "Don't worry Hermoine, today, I'm gonna be ready for it." I said, and then whispered my plan to the twins and Hermoine.

"You CAN'T do that Ana! It's wrong! What if he figures out you're faking! You could be expelled!" Hermoine yelled, but the twins had a different take on my brilliant idea. "Well WE think your idea is wicked." They said. "We'll even help you out with this one if you want." George said, then Fred added "This is going to be brilliant." As Snape walked into the classroom.

Everyone immediately went quiet when he walked in, except the Slytherins, in fear of losing their house points. "Silent, class. Today, we will be learning about-" God, this class is so boring. I couldn't even listen to him talk anymore. I was just excited for my plan, but then, I realized that I HAD to do something to make him angry at me. But it couldn't be huge. Then he would just give me a months worth of detention. No, I knew what I had to do. As I signaled to the twins that it was time, I looked at Hermoine and saw she was frantically mouthing the word "NO" and shaking her head.

I simply gave her a smirk, winked at her, and just started to talk. "Are you guys excited for the quidditch game tonight? I swear, Ravenclaw is gonna beat some a-" But I was cut off as Snape hit me in the head. Bingo. I didn't turn around dramatically like I did almost every other day though, today, I just fell forward, hitting my head on my desk. I closed my eyes, to make it seem like I was unconscious, and just laid there. The classroom went silent, and I tried my hardest not to laugh. I heard Ron say "Blimey! Is she alright?" as I felt a cold finger tap my shoulder. "Ms. Alcott. I'd advise you to get up this instant. It's not a joking manner and you WILL be punished for your actions." Snape growled, but I wasn't giving up.

I still laid there, and then I heard Fred say "Should we get her help? I mean you smacked her senseless Professor!" "We can take her to the hospital wing, it doesn't look like she's going to be waking up anytime soon." George added, and I got hopeful. FINALLY they were coming to my aid. Took them long enough. "Alright. Ms. Granger, I'd like you to go with them. See to it that they don't get in trouble and come back as soon as Alcott is in the wing." Oh no. Why was he making Hermoine come? I mean, it's probably because she raises her hand after every question he asks and he hates her but still, I don't want to be yelled at by her the ENTIRE time in the hallway!

But I guess there was nothing else I could do. I felt one of the twins pick me up bridal style, and carry me out into the hallway. We were all dead silent until we were about halfway into the hallway and all started cracking up. George put me down and I literally almost fell to the floor from how hard I was laughing. The only one who wasn't laughing was Hermoine.

Crap. I do NOT wanna deal with this today.

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