chapter 20

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As I sat in Dumbledores office, after my VERY long day prior, I was a little stressed. I mean, I know why I'm in here, obviously it was about what happened yesterday. Just being in this office made me nervous, usually when we're all in here, it's always for something bad. And being in here alone did NOT help my anxiety at all.

Dumbledore was sitting at his desk in front of me, just kind of staring at me for a second. Then, I realized that he was looking at the huge gash in my forehead, covered by a bandage. "Mrs. Alcott, I have to say, we were all very worried about you yesterday. But I'm so glad that you're alright." He said. "Thank you, sir. Yeah, yesterday was...kind of a lot." I said, and awkwardly laughed a little, but I was the only one. I stopped and ran my hand through my hair, wanting desperately not to be here right now.

"I can tell that you don't want to be in here, Mrs. Alcott, and I fully understand. We just need to figure out exactly what happened, and if Mr. Bole had any motive to do this to you." He told me. Bole? Oh my god. "Wait, Lucian Bole? He did this to me?" I spoke to him, with betrayal showing in my face. I mean, we weren't the closest, but I thought we were friends. Why would he do this to me? "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed you'd remember, nevertheless, yes, he was the one who attacked you. But similarly, he doesn't remember what happened either."

"After he was restrained, he started asking what happened to you, and saying that he didn't do this, which is quite peculiar, because we all saw him do it. I questioned him earlier today, and he said the same thing, that he didn't do it. The only thing that could've happened to prove him right, is if someone used the Imperio curse on him. You're familiar with that curse, I assume?" He asked me. "Yes, I am. But do YOU think it was used on him, sir, or that he did it at his own will?" I asked, hoping he would give me the answer. Confusing as Dumbledore is, he is also VERY intelligent. "Mrs. Alcott, there truly isn't a way to tell, so honestly, my opinion doesn't really mater at this point. All we really know is that he publicly attacked you."

"We do, however, have a way that we could maybe see what happened more clearly." He told me. "Well, how? I'll do anything." I said, and I wasn't lying. I need to know if he really did this. God, I wish I remembered something. Anything. "Professor Snape could search through your memories, he can find ones that even you yourself cannot reach. He could see what happened from your point of view, and see if Mr. Bole said anything that might tell us if he's lying or not." He answered. "I'll do it." I told him, with almost no hesitation. There was nothing else to do, really. But I REALLY didn't want Snape snooping around my mind and all that. I mean, it's not like I'm a bad student or anything, but that's just weird.

"Good. I've already called him, I had a feeling you'd say yes, Mrs. Alcott." He said, giving me a warm smile. Professor Snape walked in, and said "Nice to see you in good health, Alcott." "Thanks, professor." I told him and smiled. His mouth twisted into a tiny smile, something that I've never seen him do before, but he quickly pulled it away, back into his sneer.

He pointed his wand at me, and said a spell I'd never heard before, and suddenly, I was on my broomstick on the qudditch field, flying around in a circle. I saw myself winking at Hermoine and laughing, then getting into position. As I watched us play, waiting for something to happen, it did. I saw myself freeze, with that boy, the boy that turned into Voldemort staring back at me. Wait, wasn't it supposed to be Bole? He gave me a sadistic smile as he hit me with his bat, and everything went black once again.

As we returned to Dumbledores office, I gasped for air, as if I'd been submerged under water. Snape's face looked very grim, as he went over and whispered something to Dumbledore. Dumbledores face soon grew a dark expression on it too. "What was that? Who was that?" I concernedly shouted. "That wasn't Bole. He didn't do it." I spoke, more calm this time. "We'd all be better off if it was Mr. Bole. That was Tom Riddle, Ana. The dark lord." Dumbledore spoke grimly. I knew that it was him, but hearing Dumbledore say it suddenly made it more...real. "Oh my god." I said, and then suddenly got confused.

"Why would he come after me, though? Why not Harry, like he's done before?" I asked them both. "That's what we have to figure out. If you could escort Ms. Alcott back to her dorm, Severus." Dumbledore said, as Snape led me out of Dumbledores office. On the way back to my dorm, I bombarded Snape with a million questions that I was too afraid to ask Dumbledore. Unlike a lot of people, I wasn't afraid of Snape. Not a bit. He actually kind of liked us, despite what he says. He wouldn't answer any of my questions, telling me to be quiet, and grunting at me.

As I walked back into my dorm, almost every one ran over to me, giving me hugs, telling me they're happy that I'm alright, and I had to sit there and say thank you, and that I missed them too. But in reality, I didn't really miss them at all. The only person that I missed is Hermoine. I needed to talk to her. To tell her that I felt the same way.

To tell her that I maybe even wanted to be something more with her.

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