chapter 25

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My heartbeat pounded in my ears as I ran to the boys dorms. I needed to see Draco. To see if it was real. The trio didn't follow me, or if they did, they had the cloak on again but at this point I didn't care. I got to the door of Draco's room and banged on the door.

"Malfoy! Let me in, now!" I demanded. He groggily opened the door. He had probably been sleeping. But I barged into the room anyways and sat on his bed. "What are you doing in here? It's too late for you to be bothering me right now yo-"

"Was it real?" I asked him. That was all I said, and from the moment the words left my lips, I knew it was. A look of panic quickly came onto his face, but immediately went away and turned back into his usual grimace. "I don't know what you're talking about. Are you sure your head isn't still scrambled from when you got clocked in the head?" He said, hoping to throw me off his trail. He turned around, and started to rummage in his bag for something, probably trying to find an excuse not to talk to me. "I know it was real, Malfoy. And I know that you know exactly what I'm talking about. Please, just tell me why. Tell me if it's true." I said, tears already streaming down my face. 

He turned around slowly, with a sad expression on his face, similar to the one he had when we were at the table. "It was." He said slowly, and just looked at me. "I didn't have any other choice. If I didn't do it, he said he'd kill me." Oh my god. I knew deep in my mind that it was real, but for some reason, I was hoping that he'd tell me it was all just a dream, and that none of it was true. I looked at him, lost for words. My lip quivered, as I said "How did he know that I was his daughter? How didn't I know?"

He had a sort of...sympathetic look on his face as he said "I don't know. He didn't tell us any of that. Just that you were... his." I put my head down into my hands, and asked "So what does he want from me?" 

"He wants you to join us. To become a death eater. He...he wants for you to kill Harry, Ana. He knows you're close to him."

My eyes grew wide in shock as I gasped quietly. I quickly stood up from my spot on his bed, knocking over some books that were sitting on it, but I didn't care. "No, no!" I yelled through sobs, shakily opening the door and leaving the room quickly. "Ana!" I heard Draco call, but I didn't reply. I couldn't breathe.

My hands were on the walls, practically holding myself up as I stumbled through the hallways. No one was in the common room because it was late into the night, so I left. I went out into the schools hallways, finding my way into the perfects bathroom. I grabbed onto the sink that was under the mirror and stared at myself. How could I be his daughter? I tried so hard to be good, even though I was a Slytherin. I guess it wasn't enough.

I could barely breathe, as I put my back against the wall and slid down it. I can't do this. I can't do any of this. I can't be one of them. I won't.

I clutched my chest through shaky breaths, sitting on the floor of the bathroom, as I heard the door open. I threw my hand on my mouth, hoping that no one would hear me, and heard footsteps coming my way. Tears streamed down my face as I prayed that whoever it was would go away, until I saw who it was, coming around the corner.

It was Hermoine. As soon as she saw me, she quickly ran over. I took my hand off of my mouth and started sobbing again, as she sat down next to me and cupped my face with both of her hands. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" She asked concernedly, but I couldn't answer her. Realization lit up her eyes as she said "Look at me. You're going to be okay, Ana. Just breathe. Please, just breathe." 

My breathing slowed, as she kept one hand on my face, and grabbed my hand with the other. "Good, you're doing so good." She just kept repeating, as my breathing finally got back to normal. She didn't say anything, and neither did I. We just looked at each other for a second, until she leaned in and kissed me. It was gentle, and slow.

As we pulled away from each other, I had new tears forming in my eyes. I choked back a sob, as she put my head on her shoulder, and she put her arm around me, holding me while I cried. "It's okay. You're okay. Whatever happened in there, we can get through it together, I promise." She said soothingly, but it didn't really calm me down, because it wasn't true.

If she ever found out that I was his daughter, and that I was supposed to kill Harry, even though I would never do that, she would leave me forever. That was for sure. So I can't tell her. Not now. Hopefully not ever. I don't want to lose her. Or Ron, or Harry.

I have to make sure that they're safe, no matter what.

hey guys, basically i'm wondering after this fic ends, (not saying it's gonna end very soon but still when it does) would you want me to make more and if so then about who?

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