chapter 9

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"I've missed these stupid dorms almost as much as I've missed you, American. So not at all." Draco announced as he smirked at me, trying to keep up his facade of "hating me". "Good one, Draco. I'm gonna go cry now." I said sarcastically as I took my bags up into the girls dormitories, where Pansy was already waiting for me.

"Draco, I-" Pansy started to say excitedly, but turned around and saw it was me. "Ugh, it's you. God, I requested NOT to have you as a roommate this year." She said to me, rolling her eyes. "What, you think that I want to be your roommate either? You're about as enticing as a piece of cauliflower." I snapped back at her, making her eyes widen, but then go straight back to their normal resting bitch state.

"You know what? We should find a way to make this work. We're roommates every single year and we hate it every single year. Couldn't we just ATTEMPT to get along?" She asked. "Whoa. That's oddly very mature of you. Uhh, yeah I'd b-" I got out, before her obnoxious voice started to talk over me. "HAHA! You REALLY thought that I'd want to fix things? That I'd maybe even wanna be your friend? Pathetic. You and I, we're destined to hate each other. And honestly, I quite like it that way." She practically screamed for whatever reason and she pranced away, leaving me standing there staring at the spot she was just standing in.

She was kind of right though, how could I have fallen for that? I'm really off my game lately. But then, I heard a knock on my door. "Pansy, I swear to god if you say one more thing i'm gonna avad-" And then Hermoine walked in and I stopped myslelf. "H-Hermoine? What are you doing in here? We literally JUST got to dorms, shouldn't you be unpacking? AND how do you even know the password?" 

"Well, I asked the new first year slytherins. There was one who was very shy, he told me. I think his name was Samuel? Regardless, I need to talk to you about something. Something very important." She told me, as I stood there in shock. What could be so important that teachers pet Hermoine Granger would need to come talk to me, when it was against the rules for the day? "Um, alright. What is it? Is everyone okay?" I asked, immediately getting concerned. There was no other logical explanation, right? Someone must've gotten hurt ALREADY. But I guess that's what comes with being friends with Harry Potter.

"NO! I mean, no. Everyones quite alright, it's just..." She paused nervously, making me think that we were about to have a VERY difficult conversation. "What is it Hermoine?" I asked her, trying to encourage her to tell me the rest. "Alright, it's Harry." She finally said. 

"Uhhhh, what about him? Are we all gonna almost be killed again? Because I REALLY don't wanna do that again this yea-" I started to ask, but then she blurted out "He has a crush on you! He has for years, but he was too nervous to tell you, so he had me do it." Wow. How did THE Harry Potter have a crush on ME? I mean, I'm certainly not ugly, but i'm not the prettiest girl at Hogwarts. And why did Hermoine look kind of...sad? As she was telling me, she had a look on her face that I'd seen many times while we were at Hogwarts.

She was holding back tears. She always made that face before she cried, it was the same every time. Her eyes would squint a tiny bit, and her mouth would curve down a little, but not enough to make her look visibly sad. I guess it was from knowing her for 6 years, and seeing her every day, and getting to know all of her real emotions.

But oh my god I almost forgot; Harry Potter has a crush on me??!!  "Harry potter has a crush on ME??! Are you sure?!" I asked, practically screaming. I don't know why, but I feel like I don't feel as happy as I should right now. I mean, HARRY POTTER has a crush on ME. But honestly, I don't feel much. I mean, I'm very surprised, and shocked, but not excited. It's more of a "why me" moment. 

"Yes, I'm sure. He told me 2 years ago, Ana. He says he's kind of happy you aren't in the same house as us so he can talk about you all the time. And he does, talk about you all the time I mean. But DON'T tell him, you certainly CANT! He told me never to tell you." She told me. "2 years. Harry Potter has had a crush on me for 2 years. Wow. But, wait- if he told you not to, then why are you telling me about it?" I asked her, genuinely confused. I mean why risk a friendship by basically telling me gossip about myself? 

"I just...feel like I had to. I don't know. I guess I just think that you needed to know." She told me, as she started to walk toward the door. "Have a good first night, Ana."  She said as she walked out.

Why does she keep doing weird things and then running away? I wondered to myself, also still thinking about Harry liking me.

God, it's the first day, and everything is already starting again.

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