chapter 7

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I woke up to the sound of students chattering, and knew we had arrived. "Well, I think we NEED to be very careful this year. It seems that every single year, we get into mortal danger, and we all almost die." I heard Hermoine explaining to the guys. I didn't want to open my eyes, because I could already see the light coming through the window, and knew I'd be blinded as soon as I did.

"Should we wake her up? I mean, we're at the stop already." I heard Harry ask everyone, as I opened my eyes. "I'm up, i'm up." I grogily stated as I sat up. "Morning." I heard George say, as I looked over and saw the twins leaning on the compartment doors, holding their bags. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked, and Fred responded "What? You didn't hear?" "We've arrived." The twins stated at the same time, and I smiled.

Even though they were kind of annoying sometimes, I couldn't imagine life without the twins. Whenever I was having a bad day, they would always be there to make me laugh again. They were like brothers to me. Really, the entire Weasley family was my family too. Even though I have mother back in the U.S, I stay with the Weasleys on every break except for the summer one.

"Well let's get going then!" I said energetically, as we walked out of the compartment, but my mood immediately faltered when I saw Pansy. She was standing with Draco and Blaise, who, understandably, looked very uncomfortable too. She was running her finger down Blaises arm, and trying to grab Dracos hand.

Draco grabbed her hand, making Pansy smile, and then slapped it away and pushed her off of the train. I burst out laughing, and so did everyone else around me. Draco looked over at me, and I expected him to insult my appearance, or tell me I was a filthy mudblood. But instead, he just said "Good to see you again, American." That was his nickname for me. Ever since we were both sorted into Slytherin, we had gotten pretty close. But only when it was just the two of us. When we were in public, he would always insult me or taunt me, because I was friends with Harry, Ron, and Hermoine, and didn't want anyone to think he accepted a "mudblood".

"Well, that was weird." The twins said at the same time, as they both walked off of the train, and the rest of us following them. As soon as I caught a glimpse of Hogwarts, I smiled. I had missed this place so much. We had only been gone 3 months, but it had felt like years. This truly was my home.

As we boarded the boats, Hermoine and I sat on one side together, and Harry and Ron on the other. "So...are you excited to be back?" I asked Hermoine, who had been oddly silent the whole ride. "Oh yes, it's splendid, It's just-" She tried to respond, but was cut off by a loud, booming voice.

"Alright students! First years, follow me! Everyone else, you know where to go." It was Hagrid. I had missed him too. Going to his hut with the gang, talking about everything, seeing fang. As we were told to depart the boats, Hermoine got off first, and as I was going to hop off, my foot got caught on the dock, and I was certain this was the end for me. If I didn't die from cracking my head open, I surely would from the lifelong embarrassment this would give me. I shut my eyes, preparing for the worst.

But then, I felt someone grab me, right before I hit my head on the dock. I looked up at the person who saved me, and realized that it was Hermoine. Of course. I should have known. For some reason, it's always her getting me out of things. I stared at her concerned face, and i'm sure that mine looked exactly the same. I mean, how the hell was she this strong? She was literally holding almost my entire weight up. But even when she looked so scared, she was beautiful.

She pulled my off of the boat and back onto the dock, and immediately asked "Ana are you alright!? You HAVE to be more careful!" I mean, she was right. Not to be one of those girls, but I was pretty clumsy. I must trip and fall at LEAST once a day. "Yeah, yeah I think I'm okay." I replied, and looked down. She was still holding my hand. It felt kind of...nice?

But as soon as I noticed, she did too, and quickly took her hand out of mine, a blush creeping up on her cheeks. She nervously pushed a strand of hair behind her hair, and said "Well I'm glad you're okay, Ana." And looked into my eyes once more, but then pulled her gaze away from my face. "We should get going, don't want to be late for the sorting ceremony!" She exclaimed out of nowhere, and briskly walked away.

What the hell just happened?

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