chapter 31

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"Ana! Wake up!" I heard a voice say. "Oh my god, is she okay?" I heard someone else say. The first voice I recognized, but the other one wasn't so familiar. It felt like the room was spinning around me, and as I opened my eyes, everything was blurry.

But I recognized one thing. One person. Hermoine. "Ugh." I groaned as I put my hand on my head. When my vision finally cleared, I saw a huge group of people crowded around me, with Hermoine leaning over me, and Harry and Ron on the other side. "Hey, are you alright?" Hermoine asked, her eyes lighting up when she saw that I was awake.

"What happened?" I asked, not answering her question. The truth is, i'm not alright, because I have a hell of a headache right now. "I don't know, you were just laying out here." Harry told me, and I realized that I was in the courtyard. Then, I heard Ron say "And why are you all dressed up like that? No offense, it's just, there's nothing important happening where you have to get all dressed up until the ball." Shit. Of course they'd be asking questions.

Then, I heard Professor Snape saying "Out of my way, students." in his monotone voice as he broke through the crowd. When he saw me, I could tell that he was surprised, because his eyes widened, but as soon as they did, he went back to his monotone composure.

"Mrs. Alcott, may I ask why you're on the ground?" He asked me, and I simply answered "Professor, I have no clue." Hermoine took my hand and helped me stand, as the crowd around us dispersed. She hugged me, and whispered in my ear. "What is it with you and passing out lately?" and we laughed, but then remembered Snape was there and pulled away.

"Mrs. Alcott, come with me." Snape told me, and I started to walk towards him. "But, professor," Hermoine started to say. Here we go. "Don't you think she should be going to the infirmary, to make sure she's okay? I mean, she fainted!" 

"Well, Mrs. Granger, I'm going to brew her a potion to get rid of this fainting spell. 5 points from Gryffindor for questioning my authority." Snape answered. "Good going, Hermoine." Harry and Ron said at the same time, as I walked away with Snape, hiding a laugh.

The second he closed the door to his classroom, he shouted "What are you doing? You could've gotten us caught!" "What? That makes no sense! Apparently I fainted, don't you care?" I said back to him angeredly. "I'm not talking to you, Alcott! I'm talking about Greyback!" He told me back, as he started to pace. 

"Who?" I asked. "One of us. He's the one who put you to sleep. He was supposed to bring you back and put you in your bed, but obviously, he couldn't do that correctly. And with you dressed like that? Of course everyones suspicious!" He told me, and then I realized it was the ugly hairy one.

"Well nobody knows. I can make up an excuse for it. I can just say I was going to a party or something, it's not really a big deal." I told him, and his face turned red with rage. "Of COURSE its a big deal! I know that Dumbledore is going to want to see you, and when he does, you will say NOTHING of this, do you understand?" He yelled, and I flinched and backed away. "Yes." I said quietly.

"Good. Now get out." He told me, and I didn't hesitate to leave. I had tears streaming down my face, but I wasn't quite sure why. I've never been afraid of Snape, but now, seeing him in a new light, that might change. I quickly walked down the hallway, but someone grabbed my hand and pulled me back. 

"What happened in there?" A voice asked, and I realized that it was Harry. He had grabbed my hand, and we were walking with Fred, George, Ron, and Hermoine. I opened my mouth to say something, but then Fred asked "Did he do something to you?" Noticing my tears. "No, no I'm okay. Just- um, he gave me a potion that tasted kind of bad." I said, adding a nervous laugh at the end, but apparently, it wasn't convincing enough to them.

"You can't fool us that easily, Ana. What happened?" George asked, but I didn't answer. "You know, I have a headache. I think I'm gonna go back to my dorm and sleep it off. Thanks for worrying, though." I said, and started to speed walk back to my room. As I got to the door of the common room, I heard a voice call me. "Ana." I turned around, and saw that the voice was Hermoine's. 

She had a very concerned look on her face, as she walked to me and cupped my cheek. "I know that you don't want to talk about it, which is why I'm not going to ask, but I was wondering if you'd wanna come to the astronomy tower with me tonight." 

"Really? For what? Do the guys need us for something o-" I started to say, but she said "No, just the two of us. It could be like...our first date, maybe! I thought it would be fun, you know? If you don't want to though, thats fin-" This time, I cut her off by putting my lips on hers, and then pulling away with our foreheads resting against each other.

"Yeah. I'm sure it'll be amazing, Hermoine. Thank you." I told her, and gave her an extra kiss on the cheek. She smiled and blushed, and that made me smile even wider. She let go of my hand that she was holding, and walked away, probably to get ready for our date.

But as I stood in the doorway of my common room, I felt guilty. About the ball, about going to see Voldemort, all of it. I needed to tell someone. And I knew just who to tell.

I walked quickly to Dumbledores office, this may be a stupid idea, but right now, I don't care. I need to tell him. If anything happens to Harry, or anyone, it'll be on me, because I didn't tell anyone. I just hope that he doesn't have spies that will know if I tell him.

I knocked on the door three times, and then pushed it open. The headmaster was sitting at his desk, staring at me. He probably could sense that I was coming. "Hello, Mrs. Alcott. To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you?" He asked. "I actually, um, I have to tell you something. It's important." 

"Alright, come, sit down." He said and gestured to the chair across from his desk. I walked over slowly and gave him a quick smile before sitting down. "So, what is it?" He asked, and I paused, wondering to myself,

Am I really doing this?

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