chapter 5

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"Ana." I hear as I wake up. I guess I fell asleep on the train. But as I opened my eyes wider, I realized that I wasn't on the train anymore. I was in some kind of...graveyard? It was very dark, and all I could see was a bright green flashing light in the distance.

I looked around, hoping to see someone, anyone, who could explain to me where I was and how I got here, but I didn't see anyone. "Hello?" I called out, remembering someone was calling my name earlier. But I didn't get a response. The only thing I could seem to focus on was that green light.

So I decided to head towards it. Maybe there was someone over there who could explain to me what was going on. I mean, maybe the light was a signal for me. Maybe it was Harry, Ron, and Hermoine, and something happened with the train when I was sleeping so they were signaling for me to come over. 'That has to be it!' I thought to myself, as I got closer and closer to the ominous light.

"Hel-" I was about to call out again, but then I remembered that this is how dumb girls always get murdered in horror movies, and even thought there weren't really any knife wielding serial killers in the wizarding world, I wasn't gonna take any chances. I was about 100 feet from the light now, and began to see a figure. As I tried to make out who it was, I soon realized that it was Harry! But...he looked different. Younger almost. I started to walk up to him, but then realized he was being held by something.

A statue? 'What is going on here?' I thought as I started to pull my wand out of my pocket. Then, I realized there were many more figures. A whole group of them, surrounding Harry. And then I saw him. 

Cedric Diggory. One of my best friends since first year. But no...this wasn't possible. He was killed in the triwizard tournament, so how is he here? And why is he on the ground? Then, I finally realized where I was and what was going on. A loud gasp escaped from my lips, and a tear was already rolling down my cheek. It was hard enough seeing Harry grabbing onto him when he brought him back into the arena, but actually seeing him lying there helpless, that was a new type of pain.

'How am I here?' I asked myself, still emotional, but had no time to think, because one, and only one, of the figures started to turn towards me. I soon realized who it was when I saw his disfigured face. "Voldemort." I said aloud, my voice trembling as I spoke his name. I had seen him last year, after we broke into the ministry. But never up close. And never alone. From seeing him like this, I realized just how terrifying he actually is.

It seemed like everyone around us was frozen. No one was speaking, no one was moving. A terrified and confused expression was paused on Harry's face.

"Ana," Voldemort said, his voice chilling the back of my spine. "My darling." He added, and just stared at me. 'Why isn't he attacking me?' I wondered, as I stared back at him in fear. Usually I try to be the bravest one, always standing up with Harry and leading everyone. But this was different. I was alone. I was trapped.

"Why am I here? What did you do to everyone? Are you going to kill me?" I managed to get out, before looking away from him. He was so horrible to look at, and I couldn't bear it. "Kill you? I would never. I couldn't kill my belov-" As he tried to respond to me, I heard someone yell the forbidden killing curse, and saw a huge flash of green light. 

I ran and hid behind one of the giant gravestones, hoping that whoever casted the curse would come save me soon. "Please help me!" I screamed in fear, hoping that someone would hear me and come to my aid. All of the sudden, I heard someone calling my name again.




I heard as someone ran up to me and grabbed my shoulder.

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed as I jerked away from whoever was trying to hurt me. Then, I realized that I wasn't in the graveyard anymore. In fact, I was on the Hogwarts express again. I looked around and saw the worried faces of Harry, Ron, and Hermoine all staring back at me. "Bloody hell, are you alright Ana? You were screaming bloody murder!" I heard Ron say, and I responded with "Yeah, just had a nightmare I guess." "It seems a real bad one at that." Harry said, and then added "If you ever want to talk about it though, you can talk to me. After what happened to Sirius...I had a lot of them." "Thank you, Harry." I said, but was still clearly out of it. "Are you sure you're alright Ana, do you want to go to Madame Pomfrey when we get to Hogwarts, just in case?" Hermoine asked, and looked at me with a very worried look in her eyes. "It was just a nightmare, promise. I'm fine now." I said, half trying to convince myself of that.

But it felt so incredibly real, I thought as I wiped a tear from my cheek.

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