chapter 2

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As I walked into the station, it was kind of overwhelming. I mean, I do this every year, so it's nothing new, but things still feel kind of different right now. As I walked to platform 9 3/4, a million thoughts flew through my head. 'I haven't been able to write anyone this whole summer, I hope they don't hate me for it! I haven't seen them in almost 3 months. It doesn't seem that long right now, but I remember what happened after year 3, they looked like completely different people! And-'

My thoughts were cut off by a figure slamming into my shoulder. I got knocked to the ground, and without looking up at the person who just rammed into me, I said "Jesus christ! Were you TRYING to kill me?" I still didn't look up, I was trying to fit all of my stuff back into the bag, where it was rudely flown out of. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, but it's not entirely on me. YOU should have been watching where you were going!" I immediately recognized the voice. Hermoine Granger.

I looked up to see the face that matched her voice, assuming it would be the same curly haired dramatic 5th year student. 'Woah.' I thought as I saw her face for the first time in months. It had matured, for sure. Her hair was different too, a little shorter, I think? But the one thing I really noticed was her eyes. As she stared back at me, I could see something light up in them. I'm sure she could see the same thing in mine too. She was beautiful. I don't think I realized that before. In all of the years I've known her, I thought of her as a best friend, and of course I knew she was pretty. That was obvious. But bloody hell, now she's gorgeous.

"Hermoine!" I exclaimed, leaving my thoughts, and clothes thrown all over the floor, getting up to hug her. "Ana! We've all missed you so much!" She said, returning my embrace. "I missed you guys too!" As we let go of each other, I asked "How have you been doing? You spent the summer at the Weasleys burrow, right?" "I've been doing amazing, actually. And so have the guys. Things were kind of hard for Harry after what happened to Sirius, but he's doing a lot better now. And Ron is the exact same, always eating and such." She responded as she rolled her eyes at the last thing she said.

"Speaking of the guys, where are they right now? Shouldn't they be with you, since you spent the break together?" I asked, it was kind of weird seeing her by herself, because she was ALWAYS with Ron and Harry. "Oh, I think they went into the bathroom. But let's not talk about them right now. I want to hear about how YOU'RE doing." She said as we both kneeled down and put my things back into my bag together, and I told her about my break.

There wasn't much to tell, but she seemed to grow more interested with every word I said. After we got everything back into the bags, we started to walk to platform 9 3/4 together, forgetting about the guys. We talked about how excited we were about going back to Hogwarts, about what Hermoine and the Weasleys did over the summer, and it felt good.

I didn't realize how much I missed talking to her.

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