chapter 10

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Hermoine's Pov:

As I walked to the Slytherin common room, I was quite nervous. I mean, should I really be doing this? Harry is my friend after all. If he finds out about this, he would hate me forever.

No. I have to do this. I have to find her and tell her. Why? Well, that was a little more complicated. I just feel like I have to. It's like a gut feeling that won't go away. I once read a book about feelings, and how they work. It said that you should always trust your heart and gut over your mind, but honestly, I prefer to use my mind most of the time.

Like right now, my mind is telling me to NOT break the rules, turn around, and head back to my dorm. But I wasn't going to. I needed to tell her. It's going to be really quick, and no one but Ana will find out. I'm just worried about my intentions. I mean, both Ana and Harry are some of my best friends, but was I doing this to subconciously sabotage Harry in some way? I mean, I should let him tell her himself. It really isn't my business.

But she needs to know. I mean, if she doesn't, she's just gonna keep walking around thinking that they're just friends. Which they are. And honestly, I hope that that doesn't change. I mean, I wouldn't be angry if they got together, I just think it would mess up our group.

As I finally stopped and stood in front of the Slytherin House painting, I realized something very important that I probably shoud've thought about before. I have no clue how to get in. I forgot to get the password. But as soon as that thought came to my mind, I saw a little boy, also walking towards the painting, stopping at my side and looking at me funny.

"Hello. I'm Hermoine Granger. And you are?" I asked the boy, seeing that he had on Slytherin robes and that he might be able to help me. "I'm Samuel. Samuel Scrows." He responded quietly. "It's nice to meet you Samuel. It's your first year at Hogwarts, right?" I asked him, already knowing the answer. It was obvious from his nervous demeanor. "Yes, I am. But I have to go unpack now, it was nice meeting you though." He said as he prepared to say the passcode.

As I stood there, waiting for it, he gave me a funny look. Like I wasn't supposed to be here. I mean, technically I wasn't, but that didn't matter right now. "Oh, I have to go give something to a friend who's in Slytherin too, do you think you could let me in?" I asked him, hoping that he would, instead of calling Snape on me. "Sure." He said and said the password: "Pure-blood". Of course. I'm not even surprised.

I gave Samuel a quick thank you, as I walked up to the girls dormitories, as I got up to the doors, I saw Pansy Parkinson stomping out of a room and slamming a door, and knew it was Ana's room. I knocked on the door, and heard her yell "Pansy, I swear to god if you say one more thing i'm gonna avad-" But as she opened the door and saw me, her eyes softened. They usually did that when she looked at me. I thought it was unusual. I mean, why me? Maybe it was because we've always been close.

"H-Hermoine? What are you doing in here? We literally JUST got to dorms, shouldn't you be unpacking? AND how do you even know the password?" She asked me. Oh no. She was already interrogating me. You know, I had a feeling this would happen. But I already had answers prepared. "Well, I asked the new first year slytherins. There was one who was very shy, he told me. I think his name was Samuel? Regardless, I need to talk to you about something. Something very important."

After I told her about Harry having a crush on her. I watched her face. She looked very suprised, but not excited or anything. And when she spoke back to me "Harry potter has a crush on ME??! Are you sure?!" She just seemed more confused than anything. I don't know why, but that made me happy. I mean, it would have been good for her to get excited and everything, but for some reason, deep down, I was happy she wasn't excited.

I read a book on body language, not too long ago, and I found out how to read people. It was a muggle book, so I wasn't sure if it would prove useful, but it did. It helped me quite alot actually. 

She asked me why I told her when I wasn't supposed to, and honestly, I didn't have an answer. For the first time in my life, I don't know. I just had to. Maybe it's because I knew she wouldn't like him back. Anyone could see that he was like a brother to her, and deep down, I hoped that's how it'll always be. After that, I didn't know what to say, so I decided to leave. Quick and (not really at all) easy, just how I said it was going to be. "Have a good first night, Ana." I said as I left the room, and walked back out into the hallway.

I REALLY hope that wasn't a mistake.

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